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Posts posted by moe_us

  1. Hello, 
    I just registered for GMAT test three months of now. I want to do well on the exam. Can anyone help me how I should study for GMAT? What books should I use to study for the exam? My adviser when I was in undergrad told me to study from official GMAT guide. What do you guys think? Can you recommend me any study material? I also bought Manhattan GMAT material consist of 12 books 

  2. Hello people, 
    I have a bachelor degree in economics and I have taken four accounting courses. I want to work in the field of accountancy preferable in public accounting. I know company's (PWC or any good company) require accounting major to work in the field of accounting. I am confused I want to go back to school part time to pursue accounting career and I am not sure whether should I go for a bachelor degree in accounting from a okay school or should I study for GMAT and go for master degree in accounting? either way I have to pay tuition from my pocket or take the student loan out. I am currently working as a accounts payable/finance associates temp for fortune 50 company. My long-term is to be become CPA . I am not sure what path to take? please advice what you guys think I should do? 
    P.S. I already have taken four accounting courses during my undergrad
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