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Posts posted by kmsf

  1. Singapore. Interested in SEA right now. Grew up in Manila but I know I can't do that kind of research too close to home. I'm interested in doing this kind of research across the world beyond SEA.. Maybe in a PHD program.

    Wow, are we the same person? What country are you looking to go to?

  2. This topic is dear to my heart as well. I want to study this from the lens of identity - how does the people of a nation that went through colonialist rule perceive their history, and their sense of self? Especially when their cultural references originate from imposed rules/artifacts from the colonialist's culture, but makes up such a big part of their shared history.. How does a history of marginalization in their own land affect their perception of their place in the world? This is part of my fulbright proposal and I hope I get to do it!

    Cool, that all sounds really solid. So I assume this is a species of primate solely found in Indonesia? How did you come to focus on that one species?

    I'm an artist, and I want to create work about how cultures heal from colonialist conflict. As you probably know, Indonesia was under Dutch rule for 300 years and, after independence, almost all traces of the Dutch occupation were removed from the archipelago.

    More recently, though, an Indonesian youth movement called Plesiran Tempo Doeloe has started reviving colonial times through history trails and roleplay. I'm attracted to the striking images of participants in this movement dressing up as Dutch colonialists from the 1940s, really physically trying on a second skin and another time. In general, I'm interested in how a society can maximize rich histories like these.

    Hope we both get to go. :)

  3. I think we will hear this Friday. The logic seems to be second to the last Friday of January, which could explain why we didn't hear back from them last week. Speculating of course, but fingers crossed.

  4. Hi all,

    Asking a question again... Would love to get your thoughts to help me decide :)

    Hi all! Just found out about this community, and I'm glad I did! Yes, I too relate with the pain of getting an email from IIE only to find out it was a survey :(




    I have a question for you guys. Here's some background: My affiliate is a director at one of the top universities in my destination country, and before he agreed to be write me a letter of affiliation, I had to apply to his research center and have a faculty committee review my application as a "visiting scholar." I was accepted after the review, so if I get the Fulbright, I'll be considered a visiting researcher with no hassle. The more I read the email exchange though, the more I'm realizing that the visiting scholar position is not contingent upon getting the Fulbright. In fact, I received a live offer letter when I was emailed after passing the faculty review.


    So my question is... if the offer still stands regardless of getting the Fulbright, should I accept it? I won't be getting a stipend so I have to pay my living expenses, but I wonder if this is a good opportunity that I'm passing up if I don't take it. The best scenario, of course, is to get the Fulbright and accept the research offer :)

  5. Hi all! Just found out about this community, and I'm glad I did! Yes, I too relate with the pain of getting an email from IIE only to find out it was a survey :(




    I have a question for you guys. Here's some background: My affiliate is a director at one of the top universities in my destination country, and before he agreed to be write me a letter of affiliation, I had to apply to his research center and have a faculty committee review my application as a "visiting scholar." I was accepted after the review, so if I get the Fulbright, I'll be considered a visiting researcher with no hassle. The more I read the email exchange though, the more I'm realizing that the visiting scholar position is not contingent upon getting the Fulbright. In fact, I received a live offer letter when I was emailed after passing the faculty review.


    So my question is... if the offer still stands regardless of getting the Fulbright, should I accept it? I won't be getting a stipend so I have to pay my living expenses, but I wonder if this is a good opportunity that I'm passing up if I don't take it. The best scenario, of course, is to get the Fulbright and accept the research offer :)

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