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Everything posted by DC_Bee

  1. I told everyone with whom I worked on my Fulbright application immediately on Tuesday that I didn't get recommended, just to get it over with. But, I just heard from the person I was speaking with at the affiliate university and they want me to come anyway -- pay airfare, living stipend, etc.!!! So, look into it and see it they have fellowships available! After this emotional roller coaster of a week, I actually started crying immediately. But yes, lots of other options out there! (Sorry for all the exclamation points. I'm really excited.)
  2. Just reviewed my entire application and I DON'T UNDERSTAND. (Full to Bangladesh) Anyway, to add to the playlist:
  3. Not recommended. Pretty numb. Oh well.
  4. I'm guessing 10,000 e-mails really bogs down your e-mail server so they prefer to hit send right before leaving. That way, it doesn't interrupt the rest of the work day. In the past, they've arrived over a 30-45 minute period, correct?
  5. I barely slept last night but when I did I dreamed that I was Jennifer Lawrence and I was at an awards show and didn't win anything -- WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! However, Channing Tatum asked me/JLAW out, so I/JLAW thought that evened things out for the night.
  6. ... DON'T EVEN!!!!!!!
  7. TOMORROW!!! I will likely still be at work, but I'm going to open the e-mail immediately; we've already waited too long. But, this will be my reaction when I see an e-mail in my inbox from the Fulbright Program. Hope I don't scare my co-workers.
  8. Maybe it was all of us constantly reloading our inboxes that killed gmail. I'm going to go cry in the corner now.
  9. I wish that they would at least update the stats so that we know our odds for this round! I'm going to laugh when only 10 people applied for my country and so everyone was a shoo-in for the first round, yet I'm sitting here freaking out all day for weeks and having nightmares. Oh well, another Friday of not getting any work done while I stalk this page and update my gmail every 2 seconds. Please keep up the memes to entertain the 50-strong following this forum has right now.
  10. Yeah, you'll come out of your room again in April -- just in time to hear the final decision!
  11. Well done! We're pretty good researchers here on this thread, I say we all deserve grants.
  12. Longtime lurker here. In my anxious state I've been searching the interwebs and found this tweet from @Fulbright_Eire (Fulbright Ireland) earlier today: "A. All Student and Scholar panels have been notified and FLTAs will be shortly. If you haven't heard please email us! #FulbrightFAQFriday" So the question is: In the past, have the FLTAs been notified the same day as the U.S. Student Program? I really like the use of the word "shortly" here.
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