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Posts posted by ahnoom

  1. Hi all,

    I'm a first year MPH Epi at UofT. Us first years just finished the first year of the program. If you have any big questions, I'm happy to answer.

    Congrats on your acceptances!


    I am following up to my above offer. I have had several overlapping inquiries, so ive pooled the questions here. Please ask any further Qs on the main forum, as its easer than private PMs.


    How do you find the class sizes? Do you find the class sizes conducive to your learning? Can you engage with professors outside of class?


    The class sizes are fairly large. Our classes this year were relatively large (30-60 people) and mostly lecture style, One core class (public health policy) had about 100 people. Dalla Lana has become its own faculty, and rumour has it that class sizes are growing. Our class size this year was i believe 32. It depends on your learning style. Some people in the class can be very quiet and don't like to participate, others do. Lecture style may be more conducive to person X's learning, whereas a more seminar style class may be more beneficial to person Y. I've heard  the smaller class sizes come with electives in second year.


    Engaging with profs outside of class is difficult. Most profs teach and also have full time positions with heavy responsibility elsewhere, so unlike some faculty, teaching/research is not the norm for a lot of DLSPH faculty. They are Physicians, Senior Scientists, etc. I would take advantage of the tutor (a Professor and a second yr student) you get assigned to. I found these resources enormously helpful. Also - You really have to make the effort to get to know professors yourself.


    How do you find the course load? Are you able to do research, or hold part-time jobs/volunteering positions throughout the year?


    The course load is demanding. Many people said first term wasn't that bad. It depends on your strengths. Second semester was very intense. Most people found it overwhelming. The majority of first years also took an elective second semester, so it was a lot of work to say the least (about 5.5 courses with the pass/fail intro course). I suggest you don't work part time, unless you are really great at multi tasking. I knew people who were working part-time but they eventually had to quit their jobs cause they couldn't hack both.


    Is it difficult to get the practicum placement that you want?


    This year, the practicum coordinator really did a wonderful job for us. From what I hear, almost every Epi student got a practicum that pays, and is somewhat ideal. I got a very ideal position at the organization I wanted, and I'm getting paid well. Also, I have heard that the HP students have had mixed luck, and many are working unpaid.


    How much statistics is involved in the field?


    When it comes down to it, stats are the core of epi methods. One more or less needs a foundation in stats, to properly understand epi study design, methods and the results of epi studies. I would make a conservative estimate and say stats makes up 60% of epi (at UofT) in some form or another. The first term focuses on mapping out the stats foundations and basic concepts, and a lot of it is applied in protocols, reviews, etc. in second semester. Its important to be comfortable with statistical packages, as this will be a core function (which you learn) in second semester. Some find first semester easier to handle than second. I actually enjoyed second more. Again, it depends on your strengths.


    I hope this is helpful.

    Thank you for such a thorough feedback. 


    Really appreciate it.


    See you on campus :)

  2. OMG! Congratulations, guys! :) Awesome news!


    I'm waiting on UofT Epi as well.

    Would you mind sharing your stats?

    Hey,  thank you :)

    My stats: Final year GPA 4.12/4.33 , Bachelors in Public Health. One research project under my belt and experience in a not for profit organization as well as volunteer work as a research assistant. 


    Best of luck to you ! I hope you get good news soon

  3. Hey MPH Epi and ahnoom, congratulations! :) I received the email yesterday as well.

    I started a FB group for our Epi classmates - please feel free to join! :)https://www.facebook.com/groups/496520350447856/

    HEY thank you and many congrats to you as well !!


    So excited to start and meet my new cohort :D


    I tried opening the link but it isn't taking me to a group directly, do you mind telling me the name of the group so I could search it up?

  4. I did my undergrad at Guelph, and it is a wonderful university in a great little city.  The campus at Guelph is very green, the arboretum is right next door to the campus for walking, running, cycling, etc.  There are bike paths and running trails throughout the city.  Toronto is only an hour away if you want something in the "big city."


    Guelph is also incredibly friendly and the everyone is very supportive.  There are tons of programs and support systems in place to help students succeed.  The MPH program has areas of focus in food and water safety, community and international development, environmental health, zoonotic and infectious diseases, and environmental health, with some offerings in community nutrition, biostatistics, and public health policy as well.  If any of those areas are of interest, then Guelph is a great choice.  The practicum placements at Guelph are also really valuable.


    The only reason I'm not staying at Guelph for my Masters is the fact that UofT's program matches my interests perfectly - it has a focus on community nutrition and includes the dietetic internship required to become a registered dietitian.  At Guelph I would have either had to not do a dietetic internship until after my Masters, or I would have had to complete placements in areas of dietetics that don't interest me, whereas at UofT the focus on on public health and community nutrition (with no foodservice internship placements - thank goodness!)


    If you have any questions about Guelph, feel free to ask.  I've greatly enjoyed my time at Guelph.  If I ever decide to do a PhD, I'll likely try to get back to Guelph.  It's such a great university and city, with a great community.

    Thank you so much for such an insightful response.


    Definitely helped. I have also heard great things about the Guelph program and not to mention it is indeed so close to my hometown in Toronto. 


    I am interested in Public Health in general and if specifically stating Epidemiology. However, I have been advised by people not to keep my focus to narrow as finding jobs becomes harder afterwards. So now my final decision rests upon the employment statistics. Would you have any idea about the employment rates of MPH graduates from Guelph? 


    Feel free to personal message me on this forum. Thank you again for your thorough response :)


    and best of luck to you for U of T. They have an amazing program in community nutrition and I have heard only good things about that program.


    I am also waiting on MPH- Epi from U of T... but that is all the way in May and I have sort of given up hope lol...

  5. Thank you! I heard via email from Professor Andrew Papadopoulos! He said that the official letter would be sent out via post within the next 2 weeks.

     CONGRATS !!!


    Got into Guelph as well, heard from Andrew as well :D:D:D


    Now I am confused .. choosing between Queens and Guelph 

    Any suggestions anyone? I am super confuzzled lol 

  6. I'm not sure if the Health Promotion program has interviews.


    Ahh I can't handle seeing the "Under Review" anymore. Last year people started hearing back late March... and still nothing yet =(


    Im with you on the "Under Review" I am tired of seeing that as well :(

  7. I was in a similar position with Waterloo. I had two weeks to accept Waterloo  and haven't heard from U of T as of yet. I accepted Waterloo and will wait and see what happens with U of T... if they offer me funding then I might consider it but I'm really split given i'm working FT currently.


    I believe you can also continue your MPH at u of t part-time... 

    I have also heard great things for Waterloo for people who are working. I am currently working at a health unit and one of the research analysts is a Waterloo (MPH) Grad

  8. I'm in the same situation x_x but April 7 is my deadline! The rep was rather abrupt with me, but I'm sure everyone's stressed out right now :P She didn't say everyone would only find out at the end of April--as the posters above have noted--but she simply said basically all decisions should have been made by then and not so much in May-onwards


    So there's still some hope for earlier responses.. they're just taking much longer to start reviewing apps...

    Fingers crossed  :rolleyes: 

    Thanks for the clarification!

  9. I am in the same situation. I dont know what to do because what if I reject Queen's offer yet UofT rejects/waitlists...Kind of annoyed. I'm going to call Queen's and see what they say about possibly withholding my decision for a week or two. I hate how inconsistent all schools are with deadlines!!!

    Yes it is really annoying considering they were the first school with the earliest deadline and not the earlier ones to respond.


    I suggest call u of t and not queens to check your status


    I am going to wait until end of next week and call up the u of t admissions... 

  10. You may hear from UofT before the end up April via email, but may have to wait until the end of April for the official offer via post.


    At least, that's the case for the MPH in Community Nutrition.  I was told, via email, that I was being recommended for admission to that program, and to email them back with my intentions.  I emailed back that I would accept their offer, and they replied that I would receive the official offer, in the mail, by the end of April.


    I don't know how the other specializations or programs at UofT work, but that's how they've done things in the MPH Community Nutrition program.

    Oh ! well firstly congrats :)! that is awesome you made it 

    I applied to MPH- Epi stream .. the wait is quite agitating lol 

  11. Update on my earlier question: the Berkeley admin responded saying I could defer to Fall 2014 without any issues =]


    Also, I called the following schools for decision dates (reps couldn't be 100% firm, but estimated):


    uAlberta - many applications not yet reviewed by PH dept; decisions to be sent out at latest end of April

    uWaterloo - all applications reviewed by PH dept; decisions/offers waiting on downstream admin; more to be sent out by next Friday, otherwise waitlisted

    uToronto - application reviews have begun (but largely incomplete); decisions to be sent out at latest end of April

    Sighs End of April for U of T? That is so late

    I have to respond to Queens U by April 14... but U of T is my first option


    What shall I do ? :huh:

  12. Hello Guys ! 

    I applied for the U of T - Epidemiology program ! (MPH)


    as well as MPH at Queens and Guelph (process of applying)


    My first choice is ofc U of T .. anyone else applied to U of T- Epi


    I have a great final year gpa (4.02/4.33) and experience in a community health setting but no publications.. 

    Each day I ponder over my chances of getting in hmm..

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