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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright, M.A./Ph.D. programs

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  1. I'm not sure if I got everyone (probably not) but I would like to thank you all for your kind words. It's nice to see such a wonderful group of people come together and support each other like this. As you all know, applying for a Fulbright is not an easy process! Nothinger, I am debating looking into other programs to teach English there, but grad school is also an option at this point, so I'll have to make a decision soon. Varlet Sirin, I haven't decided yet. It's possible! I need to reevaluate my application and determine what needs to be tweaked, but tonight is not the night for that. :-) I don't know if this is true, but I fear the fact that I studied abroad in Spain during undergrad might have affected the final outcome of my application. I have heard that Fulbright isn't too fond of choosing people who have already spent a significant amount of time in the host country, but that didn't stop me from applying the first time! So...we'll see!
  2. YAAAAY CONGRATS!! I am so glad one of us from here got it! Felicidades!!
  3. Hey all! Just found out that I was not selected for the Spain ETA. I'm still sort of letting it sink in....but that's life, I guess! There's always the future. More chances to apply, other things to apply for...we'll see! Best of luck to everyone who is still in the running!
  4. No way, I was reading through Rhodes Scholar profiles yesterday, too! I really don't know what inspired me to look but I am glad I am not the only one. Also...really enjoyed this post LOL!
  5. Thanks so much for the info! By the way, I am originally from Syracuse! Now I live in Rochester. I hope you've enjoyed your time there. :-)
  6. Hi all! Has anyone applied to/heard back from Ohio State? I applied for the MA program in Hispanic linguistics. At this point I'm not very hopeful, but it's the only school I haven't heard back from yet!
  7. That's good to hear! I didn't preference an area either even though my FPA told me to. I guess I sort of took a risk in not listening to her, but hey-it's worked so far! It didn't say anywhere on the website that we should preference any particular region in our writing, so I wasn't too specific in my essays. I know for countries like Germany, they ask that you preference certain regions. Anyway, like you said, we will find out soon enough! I'm not too sure about the $$ situation, to be completely honest. I would assume they pay enough to help with housing and whatnot. I can tell you that Madrid will be slightly more expensive than Cantabria in terms of housing and food, so that's something to keep in mind should you receive a grant. Either way, you'll make it work, I'm sure! Regarding grad school, I applied for fall 2014. So far I haven't had much luck. I applied to masters programs in Hispanic linguistics. I've been wait listed at two schools and rejected from another and I am still waiting to hear back from a few more programs. I sort of just feel like I'm in limbo right now! Also I am currently teaching high school through the end of the school year but it's not a permanent position, so next year is COMPLETELY up in the air for me! Woooo!
  8. Yes! I am also a Spain ETA hopeful! Judging by when Spain applicants found out last year and in 2012, I assume we'll find out mid-April. Just out of curiosity, did you make your application location-specific? I guess what I mean is, did you express a desire to be specifically placed in either Madrid or Cantabria or did you leave it general?
  9. Hi all! Does anybody happen to know if Spain requires an interview for ETAs? I was recommended and I am just curious about the next step in the process. Thanks!
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