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Posts posted by javachip

  1. Hi! Thank you all. I wasn't aware of the educational discount so thanks for that! It will be my only computer, and I plan on using it for all of my research/study requirements, as well as for personal use (streaming videos, music, etc.) I don't do any editing or gaming. I will have at least one statistical package though. 

  2. Hello all, 

    I will be getting a new laptop for my research/classwork. I will be a new mac user and was wondering what you thought the best computer would be? I am drawn by the air mostly because of its thinness and weight (I will be walking around 25 min each way). However, the standard Macbook Pro has some features that would be better (ethernet port, optical drive, memory, etc.). Any thoughts?


    Thank you!

  3. ACCEPTED!!!  After THREE YEARS of applications, I have been accepted to my top choice!!!  I am over the moon excited!  :D :D :D


    ACCEPTED!!!  After THREE YEARS of applications, I have been accepted to my top choice!!!  I am over the moon excited!  :D :D :D

    ME TOO! Third time's the charm? :D !!

  4. I think that if you are not applying for another year or two, you can reschedule. However, keep in mind that you are doing this because you don't feel prepared, so try to plan out when you will be studying so you can take it right after. If you let months pass by without studying, chances are that your score will not be as good as it could have been. 

  5. Hello all! I'm not sure this has been discussed earlier so if anyone knows, feel free to redirect me. I got an interview invite over the phone a week ago and I have been checking plane/bus tickets and they are highly increasing as the days go by. I understood that I would be getting an e-mail from an administrative assistant, which I have yet to receive. Should I buy the tickets now or wait for further communication? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!

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