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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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    Mechanical Engineering

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  1. I am not sure what your ultimate goal will be (career wise); regardless, UT is an amazing school, especially for manufacturing research. I am actually going to UT Austin for manufacturing starting in the Fall (program is MS to PhD), and I know they received a large chunk of the Obama DMDI research grant. So, there is no reason to worry about lack of funded projects, as I believe each professor I have talked to wants to nearly double the projects they will be working on. UMich is obviously an amazing school, and is ranked slightly higher than UT. I guess it really just comes down to what specific research you want to work on. I cannot comment on UMich, as I never applied there, but I know for a fact that UT will be widely expanding their manufacturing research in the next few years! Good luck!
  2. In my opinion, I would not ever do a PhD without funding. You have a degree at this point, so you should not ever have to pay to go to school (especially if you are helping the school by doing research there). Then again, if PhD is really your dream, and you don't have problems taking out loans, then go for it. All I know is PhD in engineering, and I don't think the degree helps you make that much more money (if anything, it might hinder some jobs since you may be too specialized). I cannot speak for other majors, so I'm not really sure of your background! But anyway, PhD is an expensive endeavor for 5 years, so you should not be taking out the loans.
  3. I think most big schools/programs do. I haven't heard of any that wouldn't reimburse you for travel; however, I am sure some smaller programs may not be able to. Sorry I don't know more, but hopefully that helps!
  4. Well, see ya at Cornell's!
  5. My Cornell invitation said March 7 and 8... it is for Sibley also!
  6. UMich is way better, so I would say go there. But don't count your chickens before your eggs have hatched. What is the purpose of meeting the priority deadline, as I've heard that MS admits to UPenn do not get funded from the university?
  7. I was trying to find that too... so if anyone had that information, that would be awesome to share
  8. I had an interview with them but to be honest, I was not impressed with the facilities that my POI had. I have not heard back from their graduate admissions either, so don't worry. To be honest, Cornell's program is regarded much higher for most research in engineering, so you're in a great position anyway
  9. Heard from Cornell as well yesterday, accepted into PhD program with full funding, 31k stipend. Wahoo! Anyone else going to the visit weekend?
  10. Accepted into University of Texas at Austin with full funding and stipend. No word on any other schools yet. Anyone else?
  11. General Profile: -White Female US Citizen -UG: Top 50ish Public University -Major: Mechanical Engineering (BS) -GPA: 3.82/4.0 -GRE: 157V / 164Q / 5.5W Research Experience: -One summer research program at NIST -1 year of research at current institution (with conference poster presented & a paper to be published by Spring) Industry Experience: -One summer at a top material science laboratory -One summer at a top 2 aerospace company, doing structural and thermal FEA Area(s) of Interests: -Material Science -Heat Transfer -Fluid Mechanics -Advanced Manufacturing Schools Applied (ME PhD program unless otherwise specified): -UPenn (Interview with professor this weekend) -Columbia (Interviewed with two professors over winter break) -UTexas at Austin -Cornell -Stevens Tech I have POI at each school, with all seemingly positive. Still haven't heard back anything formal, although UPenn had contacted me asking which professor (I had two POI) I would rather work with, because there was some confusion with the review committee.
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