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Everything posted by texasjen

  1. Just an FYI- apparently an email was sent out about ten days ago letting people know if they were wait-listed or not for the MPAff program. Looks like some people were left out of the email, me included. I emailed the admissions committee to inquire and they responded within the hour. So...if you are still "in review" and haven't heard anything yet, email the admissions committee!
  2. I should mention I choose the Austin campus. The Austin campus contacted me ASAP to let me know that I was accepted (apparently I was one of their "best applicants"....must not be a lot of competition), and they said I would be hearing from the Houston campus as well for next steps. Waiting to hear back from one more school, but am excited and humbled by the opportunity. Congrats to you, rookie_mph- did you get instructions on next steps?
  3. University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, MPH SOPHAS app submitted 2/4, mailed week of 2/18, heard back 3/4 that I was admitted. Just an FYI. Good luck to everyone.
  4. So I'm guessing at this point if we haven't heard anything, assume the worst? If current students are already being tasked with reaching out to admitted applicants....
  5. Many congratulations!
  6. UPDATE: Sent another annoying email to someone at the UTSOPH regional campus in Austin, and they said that my application will be reviewed this week and that I should potentially hear back next week. Nervous.
  7. I actually reached out to two separate people after my application was mailed to see if I could verify that they have received it, or if I would get a confirmation of receipt at all (I don't trust SOPHAS). Haven't heard a word back.
  8. My correspondence with them throughout the application process has been subpar. BUT, you can't beat the price and location. When did your SOPHAS app get sent over? They don't say much about response times on the website except that it can take them up to 90 days to respond.
  9. When I met with the LBJ representatives in the fall...they said second week of March for admissions results. I'm surprised people are hearing so early...
  10. Probably a little late to this thread.... I applied to University of Texas Houston Health Science Center customized MPH program in Austin. Application deadline is 3/1. Emailed program to see if I could get a confirmation that they have received my application- no word yet. E-submitted through SOPHAS on 2/4 and my application was verified and mailed the week of 2/20. GPA: 3.2 GRE V: 162 Q: 148 (yikes) W: 4.5 I don't see too many people talking about Texas on this thread...so any intel is great. Just a waiting game now. Good luck to everyone.
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