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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New York
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Comparative Literature

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  1. I am with you, I also applied to CUNY but their application was due February 28 (so they have a bit more time). Oh well, good luck!
  2. Good! At least that's something, even if it's scary and too long.
  3. i know the feeling. I've heard nothing, but when i emailed they did say March. SO here's hoping!
  4. Well, we haven't been rejected yet I do have hope. They did say no until March, so we'll find out this coming week probably. When I applied last time, (not to NYU), I heard all my decision by Feb. 28-29 (leap year).
  5. Call them! (and let me know what they tell you )
  6. It really depends, sometimes it doesn't mean anything. It really depends on the program. The waiting sucks but I too emailed NYU and they said March for final decisions. I haven't seen anything else on the board for Comp Lit so I just have to accept that they haven't sent anything else out.
  7. I spoke with Emily Apter and Ana Dopico, who is on the admissions committee (whoops). I actually wrote about Apter in my thesis (obsessed with Translation Zone and her new book On world Literature). If you haven't heard anything from Stanford yet, that may be a good sign- if you were outright rejected I think they would tell you. It's all I got
  8. NYU works at it's own rate. I think these boards actually do more harm than good sometimes. When I was blissfully unaware, I didn't stress out nearly as much. Who is your POI at NYU?
  9. I'm with you! We can go tot he nut house together =)
  10. I wouldn't worry too much about the results board, my boyfriend who is a phd student mentioned that it could have been a masters student who got accepted earlier. It could also mean nothing. We just don't know. I applied a long time ago and was rejected off of the un contacted wait-list very late in the game. It was nerve wrecking and I am dying right now! Don't worry about rejection!
  11. If it helps, I just emailed the grad coordinator and she said we'd hear about final decisions in March. This can mean anything from rejection to internal wait list. It could also mean they haven't really handed out acceptances yet, wait and see =)
  12. Agreed! Sometimes no news is good news, I know many schools have released rejections already. Best of luck!
  13. I chatted with Emily APter before about the program, it's an amazing one. I applied there and CUNY (back door in ) So crossing fingers and toes and noses
  14. Thanks. I guess I'll be hearing soon one way or another. Congrats to you!
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