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Posts posted by amandawww

  1. Thank you for all your experience.

    I decide to go to UGA. Even the falcuty at UConn suggested me that their department was not a good choice for me to go :roll: ( there is no chinese studies for me to pursue and all is centered on european and amercian literatures and cultures).

    Wish me good luck and is there anyone is admitted to this program and is actually going to UGA?

  2. Thank you. :D

    Yeah, though I havn't been to America before, I can guess the differences. But what is the differences anyway?

    I don't see transportation as a priority, but culture, school study environment and teachers are of great importance. Will U of Conn be better because it is in New England and it is near Yale? And if I want to pursue PhD in that area, will it be easier ( since it is nearer) if I go to U Conn?

    Thanks again

  3. hey,

    I am an international student for a master degree. Right now I have two admissions from comparative literature department, one from U of Georgia, the other U of Connecticut. Both of them seem to be satisfying, I think. But it also directly leads to my dilemma of choice. Actually I have been struggling to make a choice for almost three weeks. :? Yet the more I consider, the more I am stuck in there.

    Please make some suggestions for me.

    I am sincerely waiting for your help.

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