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Everything posted by rolfsinjpn

  1. rolfsinjpn


    From my understanding and experience: generally, but not always. I didn't have an interview with Washington, but I did my MA there and the faculty already knew me or knew people who knew me. I've also known people who were admitted to programs without formal interviews, but usually they had arranged to talk informally with a POI prior to or during the application process. I've also been told by people working in admissions that some professors will take students based off prior work and recommendations (usually by close colleagues) alone. So like everything in this process, it's arbitrary and unpredictable.
  2. rolfsinjpn


    Just woke up (I'm in Korea) with an acceptance from UPenn in my inbox!!! Super excited, as the only other program I was accepted to was only partially funded.
  3. rolfsinjpn


    Got my UC San Diego rejection just now. Kind of saw this one coming.
  4. rolfsinjpn


    It's possible, although UPenn did not have Monday off. This is just my own speculation, but I imagine someone very high on the list could have already heard informally from a POI, especially one on the admissions committee. Just a guess, though.
  5. rolfsinjpn


    I haven't heard anything
  6. rolfsinjpn


    no problem. I'd be curious too.
  7. rolfsinjpn


    I'd rather not say. I wasn't explicitly told not to share this information, but just to be on the safe side...
  8. rolfsinjpn


    My guess as well. I'll pass along what else I can as I find out.
  9. rolfsinjpn


    I have on good authority that the UPenn admissions committee was scheduled to meet Thursday the 13th to deliberate, but the school was closed that day due to snow and so the meeting never happened. Late results from UPenn are likely.
  10. rolfsinjpn


    So apparently I got the email saying I'm accepted to the University of Washington several hours ago, but Google decided it was spam. Note to self, start checking spam folder religiously. Stoked I got in, but I did my MA there so I know the funding situation is pretty cut-throat.
  11. rolfsinjpn


    I had the Director of the Graduate Group on my call (don't know if he was on all of them). He didn't give me the 7-10day window, the other faculty member did. But I assume they are both on the admissions committee, and the Director didn't correct him. That being said, please don't kill me if they don't make that timeline. ><
  12. rolfsinjpn


    Korea under Japanese colonization (early 20th century) focusing on colonial collaborators and the diaspora to Japanese occupied Manchukuo.
  13. rolfsinjpn


    Agreed. The interview seems to be a 3 member committee, so scheduling is probably pretty complicated. They only offered me 2/6, which I couldn't make. Ended up doing it the next day with only 2 faculty instead of 3. The missing member being my primary POI, so that was interesting.
  14. rolfsinjpn


    Had an interview with UPenn on Friday morning. They told me results in 7-10 days.
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