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Everything posted by spicedoutcalvincoolidge

  1. Hey Meowth! I'll claim the SUNY Albany acceptance. It was an email from the DGS. I got it around 11am EST. That's all I got! Sorry I don't know any more about their process I hope your email is coming soon! fingers crossed!
  2. Hi guys, First time posting on here. I was compelled to do so, though, after I saw some folks asking about UCSB. I received a call from a UCSB professor last week saying that I was accepted...only for them to call back twenty minutes later informing me that they had made a huge mistake and I was actually on the waitlist! I followed up with the DGS since it all seemed a little fishy. However, he confirmed that I was on the waitlist. Apparently, they had about 180 applications and put together a finalist list of 25 folks. Of these 25, some are getting acceptance offers while others are on the waitlist. Another very illuminating point (and hopefully of some consolation/hope to others) was that I was NOT supposed to be contacted. Therefore, if you have NOT been contacted, you might very well be on the waitlist with me! Although, I received no information about out and out rejections...but it seems like they haven't gone out yet, either? I hope this helps!
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