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Posts posted by SazeracScholar

  1. Got selected as an alternate for Germany today. Does anyone know how many people get selected as alternates vs. principal grants? I know Germany has around 80 research grants available, but haven't been able to find any statistics about how many candidates are selected as alternates.

  2. Still awaiting results from Germany. Got a rejection notice from DAAD so I'm not too optimistic about Fulbright at this point. I feel my Fulbright application was stronger due to a campus interview and the section on being a cultural ambassador, but since DAAD was the same project I feel like it's time to throw in the towel at this point.


    Nevertheless, I'll be going over on a fellowship through my home university if Fulbright doesn't work out, so my research getting done isn't on the line if I get rejected. 

  3. Congrats! Wow, Indonesia is really on the ball letting their applicants know!


    I can't wait to hear back! For those who applied to Germany-- did you also apply to DAAD?

    Yes, I've also applied to DAAD and haven't heard anything except for when they received my complete application.

  4. Hi!! I just decided to join this forum. I am recommended for a study grant to Berlin next year. Anyone else trying to study/research in Germany? Crossing my fingers for everyone - and I feel lucky just to be a finalist :)



    Hi – another Germany research finalist here. The google doc shows that there are at least 7 of us participating in gradcafe, so welcome to the crowd! I'll be in either Berlin or Leipzig studying music. What is your field?


    Hi guys. I'm a finalist for a study grant to FU Berlin doing History.

  5. Hi all, I've been lurking this thread for awhile and have a question.  Does anyone know if applicants for Full Research grants to Germany are interviewed? I've made it to the next round and have mailed my transcript, but haven't heard anything about an interview.

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