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Posts posted by tvorimir

  1. To those of you who were admitted to Berkeley, did they say anything that would indicate all of their offers have been sent out?


    I was not admitted into Berkeley, and even I didn't apply for ME in Berkeley, but I had a short email correspondence a few days ago with two faculty members of another department and they said me that usually all decisions are made in January and February

  2. Hi,


    I have almost the same offer, or maybe exactly the same offer, - something about $2k/month. Since I am literally from the opposite side of the Earth, I don't know how much it is for the life in SB (and in other parts of America as well), but as far as I know it is a typical funding package for American graduate students.

    There is another thing I am wondering about - I am confused a bit about university rankings: while Times (20 in Eng&Tech worldwide) and phds.org (5-16 in ME) rank UCSB pretty high and USN places it on 26 in ME and on 19 in Eng (which also seems not bad) - QS ranks it only as 151-200 in mechanical engineering.

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