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Posts posted by jammy

  1. hmm ok thanks probably spelling the name right will help... but unless im misunderstanding it the graduate student association thing is just the "off campus housing" which like i said has about 20 people---


    were you looking for roommates or just a place to stay?

  2. Hello all I was hoping (along with one other grad student) to find one or two more (preferably grad students) to share an apartment since i figure it will be a better deal. the problem is, i dont know where to find people, there isnt really an obvious place to post on craigslist (housing offered or housing wanted or both? will it get removed if i dont actually have a house im offering, just the dream of getting one?)


    and the universitys roommate matching site has about 20 people.


    so: is there somewhere online we can find people or do we just take what we can get for 2?



  3. I've heard quite a few times that the commitees put a lot of work into considering the applications. If that's true, it shouldn't be that hard to come up with a fairly personalized letter rejecting you.

    Just have one extra person taking notes for each applicant, and then include those notes.


    As for "not all rejects are equal"--- that's the whole point. If I am nowhere near getting into a program, they can decide that very quickly, and tell me.


    If you are close to a good fit for a job you'll normally get an interview, and the people will often honestly tell you what you're missing (or if they just don't have a position available). How did it come about that we're paying 60 bucks for a form letter?



    There is obviously something very wrong with the system. Professors could be more communicative with prospective students; students could apply to less universities (applying to 10 is just absurd, at that point you're just gambling); but I'd assume mostly it's the people in administration's fault.



    One idea I've had: universities should have stricter objective requirements for admission. You need this GPA and these test scores to be considered; or, if you think you're a special case, pay extra.

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