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    2014 Fall
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    environmental policy

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  1. Hey guys, So I've received a late decision from WPI. They have given me a three year full funding for PhD. I also have an offer from ASU with a similar funding offer. Now, the professors at both ASU and WPI are great in their fields and their research areas match my interests perfectly. The only difference is that WPI has a dedicated department for that field while ASU doesn't. However, there is obviously that thing about ASU being a bigger and better known university (so funding options could be comparatively more in the future) while WPI is smaller but a little gem in my field of research. I also read somewhere in the results section that WPI is under a great amount of debt, in case of which funding in the future could be a problem. Would be great if someone could verify this. I have also written to a couple of current students at WPI and awaiting their responses. Would be very helpful if people could share their opinions here. Thanks very much!
  2. Thanks a ton for the reply! Cannot tell you how reassuring it is to hear someone say something good about this school! So, I have written to my professor regarding research assistantship under him and I am waiting for his reply. However, I am not too hopeful regarding this possibility because, having seen his grant awards and expenses over the last four years, it has been pretty dry as far as the grants go (he got one major grant in 2011 that extends till 2016 and nothing apart from that), while his expenses have been pretty constant (I've assumed this as a sign for him not taking any students as research assistants). I know I should wait for his reply and stop being so pessimistic about everything, but after having received only one acceptance out of 6 universities I applied to, and with almost no discussion on any of the threads here about this school, the joy of acceptance into a doctoral program is overshadowed by serious doubts and second-thoughts about the school/program! In any case, thanks again for your reply! I hope my professor gives me some good news regarding the RA position!
  3. I've posted this already in the Decisions section, no responses yet. Thought I'll post it here too. Can anyone please shed some light on the sustainability program at ASU? I happen to be considering it seriously and it would be of great help if someone can tell me anything about the school. Is it any good? I've heard some good reviews about the program, but since there is hardly any discussion here on the boards about this school, it is making me quite skeptical and I am freaking out! This is the only school I got an admit from and I really like the work of the POI here. His research closely matches with my interests and I have been in an elaborate interaction with him over emails ( by the way, I am an international student with a masters in environmental studies). But again, since the brand of the school also matters to a certain extent, am not particularly sure if its the right choice (especially after reading a very negative post about ASU in general on one of the boards here). Also, the instituion is offering me a teaching assistantship and the professor doesnt have any RA openings available. And i am afraid that the TA duties along with 3 courses and my own research work would make it extremly extremely tough. I am not sure if i am over thinking all of this, but i am freaking out a lot!! So, please help!! I am very sorry for the long post. Also, English is not my first language, so please excuse any errors. Thanks!
  4. I am seriously considering ASU and was wondering if there is someone else out there who might be joining this fall. Haven't seen too many threads on this school here!
  5. well, good luck with everything!
  6. ...and the week begins..fingers crossed, good luck everyone!
  7. Yes, I was surprised too, 'coz just about last week when I called the grad committee, they said it would take another couple of weeks for the decisions to be out. I also wrote to my POI around the same time and she replied a couple of days ago that decisions have just been taken and I haven't been admitted. So, I am guessing they will update the wolverine account eventually after mailing the acceptance letters first. So, there is still hope for you! Good luck!
  8. @Etownenviro Congratulations! I didn't make it into SNRE. My POI replied to my mail a couple of days ago. Surprisingly, no official mail from Rackham or SNRE. Disappointed! But anyway, got into Arizona State. So, look like that's where am going! I have no idea about the fellowship. You should probably asking your professor directly. Anyway, congratulations again and good luck!
  9. @Etownenviro-Thanks! I hope there is good news waiting..good luck to you too!
  10. Haven't heard back yet. Applied for PhD. Was told earlier that the faculty is expected to decide by late February. No update on wolverine access either. Any updates elsewhere?
  11. Also, I am worried if in other words that email means that my admission is waitlisted or if the grad committee is taking long this year to arrive at decisions. My application page still says "Submitted and Completed". It would be great if someone can shed light on this!
  12. I just got an email from the graduate education cell that I should expect a decision by April. That is unusually long since typical review time is about 6-8 weeks. Has anyone heard from them yet?
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