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Posts posted by Meadbh

  1. Have any UW folks received their official funding information yet?  According to my original email, they were supposed to send it out last week.  

    Nope! I was notified through email that was receiving full funding via a TA-ship, but still letter with the actual amount/ details. They did however manage to send enrollment deposit information....

  2. Congrats on all the acceptances rolling in and keeping my fingers crossed for everyone still waiting on the next bit of good news!


    I'm currently entertaining funded offers from Washington and Oregon (so pumped!), and planning to visit both programs late March/ early April. Anyone else taking a trip to Eugene or Seattle? 


    Also, I'm kind of out of the loop as far as the whole grad school game goes and essentially applied to programs based on corresponding faculty research interests. Any insight on how these programs stack up (human geography) and what factors should be weighed when deciding on a program (aside from faculty matches, funding, and location)? 

  3. Received word that UW will be yet another week.   :(


    Geez! Any idea what is taking them this long? I swear, I've woken up every morning for the past 3 weeks sure that today was the day decisions would be released, and then nothing. 


    Wave of Clark rejections...

    When I see these results and the agony of us here at GradCafe I wonder how on earth my professors who attended these places (UW-Madison, Clark, UCSB, Berkeley, to name a few) got themselves in, and if they suffered as much as I am :


    I think a lot of it, especially with the smaller programs, is somewhat like Olympic gymnastics, you have to peak (or stay in top shape) at just the right time. It seems the largest factor for admission is correspondence with department research interests. So if the faculty member you want to work with is on sabbatical/ doesn't have a grant/ is overloaded with grad students already, you're kind of out of luck for that season. 

  4. LeoBixby: Indeed! 

    For all those who applied to U of Washington, did you have prior contact with a professor? Or interviews? Getting worried, since I applied but didn't reach out to faculty, and haven't heard anything at all!   :(

    I've been lurking around here voyeuristically for a while, without actually creating an account. However the U Washington decisions (and others) seem to be taking their sweet time while I grow increasingly agitated and my lady friend grows increasingly tired of hearing about it. So here I am in unanonymous form (a contrived sense of camaraderie can only console me so long y'know?). 


    I applied to Washington (Masters) and didn't reach out to anyone at the department. However, a faculty member I mentioned a desire to work with in my SOP contacted me to express interest in my application and urge me to urge one of my designated recommenders to submit their [late] letter ASAP. Our communication was essentially limited to that issue and I haven't heard anything since it was resolved. A lot of nail biting over here.


    Anyway, hello everyone! I'm primarily interested in rural-urban dynamics/ internal migration, with a focus on China, and spend a lot of time thinking about how to be constructive without further contributing to the "white-savior" complex. 

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