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Everything posted by Lilole

  1. RT @FOCUScatholic: That’s usually what happens… #FridayFunny http://t.co/wQ3wCStqWU http://t.co/zx9Mx35zKu
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  2. My new sounds: Lean On Me Cover (Raksha Bandhan) https://t.co/5xEqGBpc9R on #SoundCloud
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  3. Ok. So I have gotten into Berkeley's new M.Eng program, as well as CMU's newer MS ECE with a dual MBA with the Porto Business School. It's a tough decision to make Berkeley Pros: - Cheaper, shorter - California/Silicon Valley - Great curriculum - Cons: Too short?, I have lived in Cali before - so not new exposure as such CMU Pros/Cons - Dual MS/MBA in 2 years vs 3.5 years - Europe (and possibly Africa) exposure - Cons: More expensive, longer, smaller program Thoughts, anybody? Thank you
  4. Kcyc, Good points. I'll just add that the objectives of the two courses are also way different, and should be a factor of the decision. Best, Lilole (Probably heading to Berkeley for MENG EECS)
  5. All the best! I applied for EECS Robotics and Embedded software, and got an offer with partial funding on the 12th March.
  6. Thanks, Icydubloon and EngineerGrad. I know better than to create hypotheticals, but what about if the dual ECE in ETIM and ECE comes through at CMU? Thank you kindly!
  7. Hey Guys, I got admitted to the following programs: UCB's MENG in EECS - 1 year EPFL MS in Management of Tech and Entrepreneurship - 2 years Dartmouth MEM - 15 months Duke MEM - 1+ yr I am also awaiting results from CMU - Dual MS in ECE and ETIM Is there any advice you could give me one way or the other? Background: I did my Bachelors in EE in India, and have worked for the past 3 years in the US. I am interested in applying engineering towards solving real problems, and eventually want to start up and lead a small company. Thanks in advance for your help!
  8. Highly agree with EngineerGrad. Also, the MEng at Berkeley is targeted at students who immediately want to join the workforce - there is no thesis, more emphasis on leadership courses. If this is not the path you want to take, then the MS at UWM is much better. Plus, the difference between these top schools after a point is very slight - you are going to get a top class education at either. Given that you would be funded at UWM, I would recommend going there too.
  9. I got through Berkeley's M.Eng in EECs (1 year), EPFL's MTE (2 years), and Dartmouth's MEM (15 months). Any recommendation of which to choose? Advice is greatly appreciated!
  10. Curious if anyone here has an idea of how EPFL Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship Masters compares to Masters of Engineering Management at Duke/Dartmouth or Management Science and Engineering at Stanford or Engineering Technology Innovation Management at CMU or Masters in Technology Management at UIUC Any comments on EPFL versus the US schools in terms of job/culture/living would be appreciated I have applied to these programs, and was just accepted to MTE at EPFL. Not heard from the other schools though
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