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Posts posted by KDelamont

  1. What happened just now???

    UBC seems to have fundings for all international students who have no external fundings. And it does not need to apply. Studs will be considered automatically I think.

    My UT is still 'Under Review' for almost 3 months. Desperate...

    Sorry, I realize English may not be your first language. I was making a joke - "stud" is also a term for a sexy male (like myself). Now that I've had to explain it, i think its fair to say it's pretty much a corpse at this point. 

  2. Hey guys. I just found this thread today! And I'm new to gradcafe actually... First congrats to everyone who have had offers and fingers crossed for all!

    I've been accepted by MAAPPS in UBC in Feb and there's 3200$ fundings for international studs. My supervisor will be Timothy Cheek, and others told me he is excellent to work with. I'm still waiting for U of T's department of East Asian Studies because my boyfriend is in Waterloo and UT would be closer than Vancouver...

    When will UT make final decisions about MA? I feel exhausted waiting for UT while holding a quite attractive offer from UBC...

    International Studs, eh? Certainly something I should be funded for...

    I've seen a few UofT acceptances go out, but mine is still "Under Review". A facebook friend posted her acceptance there on Thursday. Not my top choice as they don't fund MA, but still awaiting the decision. 


  3.  So UBC's results are out? 15 grad students in total? ... I could not believe it! I always thought UBC recruit more students since the department is pretty big. Please tell me, did you get your rejection letter when you asked anybody from the department? Or you simply got an email from them? I am dieing to know!

    They appear to be out. 

    I got an email from them with a pretty boilerplate rejection. They also said that a letter should be coming in the post. 

    It is, I agree, a little shocking that they only accept 15 applicants every year. But hey, that's their thing I guess. 

  4. Thank you! Good luck to you :) My status on Student Centre has changed to 'offered admission' but no e-mail yet, so maybe check there.


    I applied to work with Dr. Priestman (WWII/Holocaust), but as I haven't yet received a letter I'm not sure if I'll be working with her or my second or third choice.

    are you PhD? 

  5. E-mailed the graduate chair at Western and he responded this morning with an acceptance! :) The offer will be going out today electronically and by mail.

    Congrats! I'll be keeping my eye on the emails - I got a sort of lukewarm indication of informal acceptance, but confirmation would be great. 

    What area/prof are you hoping to work with? 

  6. I am not sure if UBC decided PhD and MA decisions at the same time or not, but I would assume they would. If so, they decided on Monday, and will be sending out notifications in the coming weeks. If you have a looming deadline for McGill like I do (March 17), then I recommend emailing the Graduate Chair. He responded to me within a couple hours with a decision. Good luck!


    Thanks! I've been back and forth with the GC previously, last time I talked to him (about a week and a half ago) they were still under review. I don't want to burden him with useless emails that only serve to calm (or not) my nerves. 

  7. Reading this reminded me of this article: Important Life Lessons: What's the Most Important Life Lesson Older People Feel You Must Know?


    A summary (from the article):


    1. Choose a career for the intrinsic rewards, not the financial ones. The biggest career mistake people make is selecting a profession based only on potential earnings. A sense of purpose and passion for one’s work beats a bigger paycheck any day.


    2. Don’t give up on looking for a job that makes you happy. According to the experts, persistence is the key to finding a job you love. Don’t give up easily.


    3. Make the most of a bad job. If you find yourself in a less-than-ideal work situation, don’t waste the experience; many experts learned invaluable lessons from bad jobs.


    4. Emotional intelligence trumps every other kind. Develop your interpersonal skills if you want to succeed in the workplace. Even people in the most technical professions have their careers torpedoed if they lack emotional intelligence.


    5. Everyone needs autonomy. Career satisfaction is often dependent on how much autonomy you have on the job. Look for the freedom to make decisions and move in directions that interest you, without too much control from the top.


    I'm 31 and starting my PhD this fall. I don't anticipate having a TT position until I'm almost 40. However, I'll be doing what I love. If I take care of myself and my brain, I can easily continue doing that into my late 70's or 80's.

    Am I the only one that has to explain this kind of thing to everyone who asks why I want to get a PhD? Thanks for your post. 

  8. Anyone aware of UBC's MA decision dates? 

    It was my other top choice along with McGill (which I have been accepted to, but have been otherwise unimpressed with their offerings, w/r/t courses being offered next year and funding possibilities), and would like to hear back from them soon. 

  9. I am looking at funding offers through TAships, and just have a quick question. When a grad coordinator says that TAships are "more than 90 hours but less than 180", is this referring to each term or across an entire year? 

  10. I'm new to the conversation, but did Jason Wu happen to give any hint as to when they'd be notifying applicants? I don't want to have to send the, "I need to know by X date" email if I don't have to!

    Nope - all he said was that the applications were currently under review. I'm in the same boat as you, I'm anxiously awaiting UBC's decision.

  11. RE: UBC admission dates


    I found this link, and I wonder if the dates apply to us...



    Awesome, thanks! I talked to the Queen's grad chair today (felt nice to be aggressively courted ;) ) and he said that Queen's was ahead of almost all other schools, and that the changed system for SSHRC this year is doing a little bit to bog the system down at most schools.

    In other news, I talked to Jason Wu and sorted out the issue w/ the app portal. 

  12. KDelamont, you should email them about that just in case. All my checklist items are marked as submitted...


    Thanks. I will do that. I know that Mr. Wu (the grad coordinator) has to manually go in and change things on that portal, so I'm assuming it's just out of date. But I will send an email tomorrow. 


    For Western, did you apply to the MA or PhD? Also, Public History or regular?


    MA, regular. I'm an undergrad there right now, and by and large nobody has heard back (except, apparently, a 5th year student who claims to have been accepted a single day after submitting his app - informal, maybe)

    As well, for those who are here reading and interested, I heard a rumour that Wester re-opened their apps, presumable as a result of low applications. Not 100% on that, though. 

  13. heard back from Queen's (accepted!), still waiting on UBC, UofT, McGill, and Western. 

    For UBC, all it says under my application is application received. For some reason, it says that all my references have submitted, but then separately gives me a big red x on the checklist item: "submit three reference letters" (I hope that made sense to anyone) - im assuming this is because only two of my refs submitted online, while one submitted a paper reference. What else does anyone have under Application Status? (Also, when do they commonly make decisions?)

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