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Posts posted by Chesterton

  1. Hi everyone, I hope I'm posting this in the right place... I'll be starting a phd program in English at Fordham come fall, and I'm currently in NYC looking for a place/roommates. I'll be studying at the Bronx campus but would prefer to live in Manhattan. I've posted on the Fordham housing listserv, but it's pretty slow... does anyone have any tips or know good places to search for grad student roommates? Thanks very much!

  2. I suppose this is as good a time as any to introduce myself, though I'm afraid it's by way of commiserating with you! No Zoo for me this year, though I'll probably go every year for the next 5 at least, due to being approx 2700 miles closer now that I'm starting a phd program. Hope to see you there! For this year I'm having my friends give me the deets in detailed report form...

  3. Success! Had a grand time. Everyone was welcoming and interest(ing/ed), met 5 of the 6 medievalists and several grad students who all seemed cool, and am looking forward to inserting myself into the beating heart of the city come fall. Was excited before, am way excited now. The housing I'm not so much looking forward to but it will work out.

    Shortstack, were you at the afternoon/pre-dinner reception? I possibly overheard someone mention your name, but I was too busy talking with folks to find out!

    From what I gathered, cohorts are generally 8-ish, sometimes up to 11. The campus is nice and the department (and other departments--history, philosophy, and theology were represented at the receptions as well) overall seemed cool. I don't know the size of the incoming cohort, and didn't hear about the wait list, sorry. If it's getting down to crunch time I'm sure the DGS would be fine with giving you information (I emailed the DGSs of both places I was waitlisted at, one of which turned into an offer).

    If you have any questions that I may have the answer to from my short time there, I'd be glad to respond!

  4. Gotcha. The GSAS said if acceptees didn't respond via the generated form in their "VIP" accounts by April 15, they assume you aren't taking it. So I guess that means you could hear later than the 15th if someone declines?


    The visit day is this Mon and I'm going... hopefully I won't be too wiped out by the time I get there. I've been in contact with a few professors and students and everyone seems nice and sane, which are good signs.


    Did you bring anything special when you did your campus visit (besides your winning personality)?

  5. Pelicano - nice to meet you! I'm also planning on going, and I'm stoked. Received a call last Saturday but haven't gotten the letter in the mail yet -- I figure I should wait for it before confirming, but I'm getting antsy.


    Shortstack: that's a sobering anecdote. I may message you later about housing options (I hear there's some kind of Fordham-specific listserv?) since, well... let's just say I'd like to avoid any "entomological entanglements."


    Just out of curiosity to both of you, what are your literary emphases?

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