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Everything posted by AsterixExclamation

  1. Give them a call. They do have access to the information and can even scan your letter if you request it. I don't entirely understand why they insist on snail mail for this information. It seems like a small thing, but it is just frustrating. And it is even more stark comparing a school that gives you information the second that they have it and one that makes simple requests akin to pulling teeth. Sigh.
  2. Congratulations on your acceptances. I have found that you can generally get deadline extensions fairly easily -- as long as you're looking for a couple days, maybe a week. Anything more can prove to put a kink in their process although they may be willing to allow that if they are particularly interested in you. That being said, it can't hurt to ask. Let them know that you are considering other offers and that you would appreciate the extra time. Worst case scenario, they will say no.
  3. It really doesn't. I suspect that after my PhD I will find that Fellowships and Post-docs and actual jobs all provide the same levels of stress and the same difficulties in making concrete decisions -- if not more. But hey, we wanted this life.
  4. I sent them off an email asking for the funding information -- and if I don't hear anything today, I'll phone the department directly. Carleton's funding package will be hard for them to match, but those troubling 'other factors' make decisions trickier. Thanks for the info (and congratulations on Queen's!)
  5. York made an offer today which means I got bumped off their PhD waitlist. It appears that the actual details of the offer are forthcoming, but now I am in the 'decision-making' phase.
  6. Questions of self-worth in academia -- particularly these early stages of the process -- are entirely normal. The trick that I find helpful is to remember that confidence can be entirely misplaced. On my first MA cycle, I was certain that I was going to get in at all of my choices and that I would be in a position to weigh the various options and even play departments against each other in order to win my favour. Very Pride & Prejudice. Of course, you can guess what happened and I ended up incredibly thankful to have one offer to cling to. You're allowed to feel unsure of yourself and even unsure of the process itself, but don't let it eat at you and certainly don't let it make decisions for you. Take some time away from the offer to let the idea of going to that institution excite you again (as it presumably did, at least somewhat, when you first applied). Then come back to it and try to consider the actual merits of the institution rather than those that your anxious brain has invented to make this whole undertaking even harder. Stupid brain. All of this is to say, "I know how you feel".
  7. Congratulations! See you on the other side!
  8. I wouldn't assume that you have been rejected. The only reason that I found out that I was on the waitlist is because I contacted the department after hearing about other acceptances, otherwise I would be as in the dark as everyone else. With any luck, you'll get some good news on the next round of offers. It may be worth giving a call or sending an email asking for an update especially if you have other offers that are looking for an answer from you and information from York would help you make that decision -- although I know that can be a nervous experience that some people prefer to avoid. For me, the waiting was far worse than the looking silly.
  9. Oh, and to confirm from my last post: I do have an offer from Carleton University for their PhD program. Still waiting to get an email from the department itself rather than their automated system -- it is strange that they wouldn't contact me personally, given that it seems that they want me based on the funding package they have offered. Has anyone heard of this happening before? It just seems odd. But it is my first acceptance so I won't look a gift hours in the mouth!
  10. From what it looks like, York has started working down the wait list -- so those of us that didn't get in on the first round may be hearing word over the next few days. Best of luck to everyone waiting to hear back.
  11. Looks like Carleton is getting ready to send off its first round of offers. According to Carleton Central, I have been admitted, but I haven't heard from them officially -- so folks who have applied, you may want to check the online portal. Edit: Apparently my grammar needs work when I am in the post-acceptance high.
  12. Hey everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone has applied to Carleton before and seen "Review in progress by Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs" as their Application Status? I know it's silly to wonder at things like this, but having my status change right before the weekend is harrowing -- even though it's probably a good thing. It's just at that point where I know I'm wait listed for my other choices and would love to have some decent news.
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