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Posts posted by terran1212

  1. "Is there any practical advantage in doing the combined MPA/MAIR? The school doesn't report separate employment statistics for students doing the dual degree, but I'm not sure that they would be particularly different from the stats for those who just did the one year program. 


    Any chance there are some current Maxwell students lurking that could give some advice on this?"


    I'm a current maxwell student in the MPA and my advice is don't really do the dual. The advantage of maxwell is it's quick and it's cheaper being 1 year and they give decent aid through assistantships. The career prospects are worse than most of our competitors with most people going to entry-level jobs. So just don't think having more education here will make you more employable, it really won't, the most important thing in these professional programs is 1) learn what you need to learn 2) have a good network of classmates

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