After receiving the stipend money for the quarter/semester and then paying for your student fees/books/etc. did you have any money left over? if so approximately how much per semester/quarter. Just trying to do some budgeting/planning for the next few months but the stipend hasn't posted to my account yet so trying to get an estimate of other people's experiences. If you could also list what school you went to that would be helpful. thanks so much!
I am also interested in this. I called CSUF about two weeks ago and they stated they hadn't made any decisions yet, but I really need to know as soon as possible so I can make final decisions regarding which school to attend. The other school I am interested in already had the CalSWEC orientation and is working on field placements and I hate to take up a spot with them that can be used by someone else if CSUF ends up offering me the stipend
just got the call from CSUSB this morning stating that I was approved for Title IV-E! They told me to expect a call the month following my interview but they called me about a week and a half afterwards which was awesome!
Still waiting on word from CSUF. Has anyone gotten any updates from CSUF regarding this?
I got a phone call last week to confirm an interview for the Title IV-E stipend in April. I'm pretty excited and also pretty nervous about the interview. Would anyone mind sharing what kinds of questions were asked during their interview or sharing any bits of advice about it? Any input would be greatly appreciated
My interview with them lasted about an hour. You are interviewed alone by two faculty members who ask you general questions about your experiences in the field, what peaked your interest in social work, etc etc. I interviewed with them on a Tuesday and got an e-mail that Saturday saying I had been admitted. Good Luck on your interview!
I applied to CSUF last year and got notification of being waitlisted in May of that year. Unfortunately, I never moved past the waitlist position and did not end up getting admitted.
This year, I re-submitted my application to CSUF. I tweaked my personal statement a bit and simply submitted my application a bit earlier (two weeks before the deadline). CSUF ended up being the first school to contact me and schedule an interview! I received a confirmation of my admission this past weekend via e-mail. There's still hope for you. Maybe just consider speaking to one of the admissions counselors and asking for advice on what you can do to improve your application for the following year. Good Luck!
I just received an e-mail from CSUF stating that I got admitted! I'm definitely excited since this is one of my top two choices so it definitely relieves some of the pressure while I wait to hear back from other schools. Has anyone else heard back regarding admission/interviews?