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Posts posted by tcdc

  1. Hi,


    Does anyone have any advice on switching between schools mid-MFA? I'm currently enrolled in an MFA program in graphic design but have come to realize that this school isn't the best fit for me. I had been deciding between this school and another back in 2014 and am thinking of re-applying to that other school that I turned down for the next application cycle (while taking a year off) but am terrified that the chances of being accepted again would be close to nil (karma?) and/or that word might make its way back to my department in my home school. Does anyone have any experience or advice on this matter? Would really appreciate it.

  2. I have to decide between the 3-year programs in graphic design at RISD and at CalArts. CalArts is offering a little bit more money that RISD, and CalArts has a much smaller program and faculty-to-student ratio than RISD. But CalArts has a really strong signature aesthetic, and I don't want that to necessarily consume my work. Also, I feel like RISD has more of an appreciation for people who come in from different disciplines, and encourages its students to utilize that background to the fullest in their GD work.


    Thoughts/suggestions/comments would be very much appreciated! I've been racking my brains out for a while now and am going a little crazy!

    (I'm also thinking of deferring for a year after I decide.)

  3. Help! I know I mentioned a part of this before, but I have to choose between 3-year SAIC (waiting to hear back about $), 3-year CalArts (ditto, but unlikely), and 2-year MICA ($11900 annual scholarship) for an MFA graphic design. Someone mentioned really great things about SAIC, but can anyone offer any advice on CalArts or MICA? I'll be flying to the schools soon to make my decision, but some insight would definitely be appreciated!

  4. Hi! I'm new to the forum and thought that I might ask for some information about schools...


    I just got accepted to SAIC and CalArts for their respective 3-year graphic design programs and am waiting to hear back from a couple of more schools before deciding. Does anyone know anything about them and would be able to offer some advice? I'll be visiting the schools soon to see for myself, and I know that SAIC has a great letterpress, etc, and has a little bit of money that they might be able to offer, and I also know that the program at CalArts is really incredible but has close to zero chances of offering me any kind of funding.


    Any words would be appreciated! Thanks!

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