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Posts posted by saffron238

  1. Previous Schools (Name, type, or tier): NYU

    Previous Degrees and GPAs: BA Psychology, 3.72
    GRE Scores (Verbal/Quantitative/Analytical Writing): 164v 159q 4.5aw
    Previous Work Experience (Years, Type): 2 yrs in the Peace Corps in West Africa, 2 yrs in development at an int'l school, 2 yrs teaching English in Japan, 2.5+ yrs working in development/communications at a domestic nonprofit; 

    Math/Econ Background: Calc and stats in college, studying microecon now to prepare
    Foreign Language Background (if applicable to your program): advanced level French and Pulaar, adv-intermediate level German, low-intermediate Japanese, some Italian
    Intended Field of Study in Grad School: nonprofit management
    Long Term Professional Goals: domestic nonprofit program management 

    Schools Applied to & Results: NYU Wagner (accepted, no funding), New School (accepted, 40% tuition reduction), Penn Fels (accepted, $8500 scholarship), UVermont (waiting to hear, but likely accepted), Monterey Institute (accepted, waiting to hear on funding), UW Evans (accepted, in-state tuition+stipend)
    Ultimate Decision & Why: Depends on funding at the remaining schools, but UW is the front runner for now. Money is a big factor for me.
    Advice for Future Applicants: I'll second "know your priorities" - if it's funding, research where you are most likely to get the most funding, if it's program, research the exact curriculum of each school and see if it meets your needs, if it's jobs/internships, research where the most (of your ideal) jobs are, and apply to schools in that city/region, where the school is likely to have good connections.


    Good luck! :)

  2. Sadly I received no funding, so probably will not be accepting - though congrats to those who did! Re: the PER thing, my e-mail said I would not have to complete the PER, and I have about 8 years work experience, at non-profits and in education, and now in the Peace Corps, but I felt like they were just throwing me a bone with the zero funding, so yeah it seems pretty idiosyncratic, I recommend asking for a review for those who didn't get it waived.

  3. I got the acceptance e-mail today, very exciting! :) Congrats everyone else!


    awex, I also got the part about scholarships award in my e-mail, but I think that just means we probably checked off something in the application that asked if we wanted to be considered for scholarships - it probably went to everyone who did that.  I am also pursuing nonprofit management.

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