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Posts posted by YooperLucy

  1. What about nannying? Set up a profile on care.com. You can set your own wages and apply to job postings that are close in proximity and are of interest. Nannying jobs are nice because if you are watching really young children (like newborns) you could potentially get some of that summer reading list out of the way :) and go for walks. The best thing about being a nanny is that you are not be confined to a desk job. During the summer most families are in need of a nanny due to school being out of session. It all depends on your feelings pertaining to dealing with children but if the right family comes along and needs a nanny for 40 hours a week at 15 an hour you might be able to live comfortably! Hope you are able to find something soon!

  2. I already removed myself from the wait list for WSU--good.luck!

    I just receieved an official offer of acceptence email from WSU this afternoon! Fully funded for 5 years + a TA stipend WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I was beginning to lose hope! I will be taking myself off of Miami of Ohio's waitlist, I hope this helps someone out!!!

  3. I was rejected from CUNY's wait list--I have officially heard back from all programs. I wish those still waiting good luck!

    Did Will Hamlin contact you yesterday? I got an email saying he hopes to offer me admission today or tomorrow, just waiting on a few students to decide. Eeek!

  4. I was wait listed.  The email I received assured I had a better than 50/50 chance of admittance with a TA position.  I'll admit, I made all of the grad school application follies, including having "safety schools" or what have you. I don't have my heart set on WSU but then again, I don't know too much about the school.  I know the Rhet/Comp program looks great though. 


    What are your thoughts?  Why did you choose WSU?

    I choose to apply to WSU because of a professor there who's research interest lined directly with mine. What about you? Did they give you any indication as to where you fell on the waitlist?

  5. I'm really excited about UConn- recently learned that they are Among the top 5 in the country for placement. They form a whole committee dedicated to helping you be a good candidate.

    Also, I made friends with someone who I think will be a good friend once I go there. We already text! Always fun. :) I'm going to wait before I accept just because we're going to make sure my fiancée will still have options if I go there.

    Decisions decisions!

    That's so exciting! Have you heard anything from WSU at all? I haven't and I'm starting to get antsy! Part of me is tempted to email Will Hamlin and ask him how realistic the possibility is from moving off the waitlist but the other (more rational) part of me is telling myself to just wait it out.

  6. I'm not entirely sure, but when they spoke to me it sounded like an umbrella wait list in general. I'm not positive, though; they gave so much detail about my standing on the wait list that I think they would have mentioned if there were more than one wait list or if it was by field. I do know they accept about 10-12 PhD students a year, but I'm not sure how that breaks down overall. The numbers you offered seem plausible. If you want, you can e-mail William Hamlin--he's extremely friendly and helpful and he can also have his assistant put you in touch with students currently in the program. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to provide you with any information you'd like.

    Thanks so much for the insight! Will Hamlin was the one who emailed me when I contacted the department inquiring about my status. His email seemed very encouraging and promising. He basically told me the chances of everyone accepting initial offers is slim, though still present and told me I was still "very much in contention". I'm number 10 on Miami of Ohio, so my odds are not very good there and I've been rejected to the other three schools I've applied to. WSU is really my only shot this year and ironically has been my number one choice from the beginning, so I'm crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!

    Thanks again for all your input! I sincerely hope you choose the program that is right for you :)

  7. I haven't heard any updates; I was in frequent conversation with them for a bit, but then I think things got busy for midterms. I'm assuming we'll start hearing back more towards the end of the month as the people who did get accepted start making their decisions.


    I've been counting them as an "unofficial acceptance" since they said I'd be admitted, being first on the wait list, but honestly I don't think they're really an option for me. You teach 2-1 or 1-2 (starting second semester) for about $14k and you take 4 classes your first semester. The area's really cheap to live in; I don't mind living in the middle of nowhere, but apparently there aren't a lot of trees and the campus has a really bad problem with fraternities, so I'm not sure I'd be happy there. I have an offer to teach 1-1 for $21 in an area that's only slightly more expensive and I'm on the wait list at CUNY, whose offer is $25 and 1-1 with a research fellowship for the first year (of course, $25 in NYC doesn't go as far as $21 elsewhere). If/when WSU does make me an offer and I decline, I hope that puts you in good standing (though I applied to lit)!

    Wow! It sounds like you have some really wonderful options to choose from! Thank you so much for the postivie encouragement, as I'm sure you're aware of, this waiting process is really a stressful experience! Do you have any idea as to if there is just an "umbrella" PhD. waitlist or if it seperates as to whether you've applied specifcially to lit vs. comp rhet?

    Also, any idea on how many applicants they're accepting in each? (I had heard somewhere it was usually about 5-6 studnets for lit and comp, allocating a total of 10-12 incomping PhD. students) Any insight would be greatly appreciated and best of luck to you in whatever you decide! :)

  8. One other thought here: When drawing any conclusions...so we think that programs/areas-of-study/subfields should be taken into account?

    For example: The big one I'm currently wondering about is Ohio State (English-Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics). I have seen acceptances into "English" (very few) on the Ohio State thread.

    What's not clear is whether the Rhetoric people have made their selections. I'd have to assume that they're given a number of students they can take by the department on the whole, but then the decision-making process is left up to them beyond that. Therefore, I don't know whether any of my actual fellow applicants have been notified or not.

    Oy...sorry folks...crazy Monday.

    A colleauge in my department was was accepted by Ohio State for a PhD. in composition and rhetoric a few weeks ago. She declined the offer

  9. I just got a personal e-mail from William Hamlin at WSU stating that I was at the top of the wait list. :) more good news! He says he thinks he can offer me admission in 3-4 weeks with a 5 year teaching assistantship. Wow.

    Congratulations! Have you heard any updates? I recieved word about 2 weeks ago that I was number 2 on the waitlist for a PhD. in composition and rhetoric and am anxiously awaiting news....

  10. Hello,

     I recently receieved word that I am number 2 on Washington State University's wait list for their composition and rhetoric PhD. program (with full funding). As I anxiously await a final decision, I'm wondering if anyone has any statistics on how many PhD. applicants WSU accepts annually for composition and rhetoric/literature programs. Are the applicants wait listed seperately based on whether they'd like to focus on lit vs. composition? Or is it just one waitlist?

    Also, I've seen some statistics on other forums saying the chances of receiving acceptance off of a waitlist is about 28%. Does anyone have any other information? This seems a little unrealistic and like it would vary by program....


    Any insight would be fantastic! I hate to bother the department again...

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