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Everything posted by mobid

  1. Hey guys, I think this week is the week that most of the admission results will be released. As it seen from the recent posts, most of the releases will be "rejected", but there is still hope' let’s wait, miracles do happen...Good luck to all of us...
  2. I am applying from Turkey. Your explanations are right in terms of funding. For example, last week UCB released the rejection decisions for most of the applicants, and I was not among them. They have not released my result yet, may be they are looking for funding for me (I hope).
  3. We have almost completed the half of the table, but still no response from the five universities I applied. I screened the results up to date and results after this date, I figured out that the probability of getting rejection is significantly higher which made me worry. I would like to get your thoughts on increased rate of rejection, should I also decrease my hope of getting admission significantly? Good luck…
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