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Posts posted by abdelhakimm

  1. Guys do you have any idea if wait-listed candidates who receive an admissions offer (get off the wait list) can request a deferment?


    Wait listed applicants will not to have a clue about their admissions until Mid or End of May when all financial aid options will be consumed by then for the 2014 year enrollment?


    Any thoughts?


  2. MPA is more prestigious for recruiters, the batch is less than 150 each year with 50% doing dual degree with MBA or other degree thus the caliber is higher when they graduate compared to MPP policy wonks. I have an MPP by the way and I applied for MPA at HKS but on the waiting list 

  3. what you are saying is making sense... the MPH of HSPH has a big question mark although a strong brand. What I know is that it is very demanding and stressful programme as you have to squeeze 42.5 credits in less than 8 months of actual study excluding exams and Christmas and spring breaks. I was thinking about the SM2 but I was told it is more theory than practice and less valued when it comes to employment in international organiztions like WHO,etc...

  4. Guys do you have any idea if wait-listed candidates who receive an admissions offer (get off the wait list) can request a deferment?


    Wait listed applicants will not to have a clue about their admissions until Mid or End of May when all financial aid options will be consumed by then for the 2014 year enrollment?


    Any thoughts?

  5. am I the only one who received the least favorable decision ever "Wait listed"?


    I applied to MPA-2 and on the waiting list till May 2014 :-( I requested to remain  though and received a confirmation from the ad com.


    does any of you have some insights on the waiting list dilemma ? 

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