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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall

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  1. On a train behind people declaring their deep, abiding love for each other...that's how I feel about my bed #Awkward #napsFTW #WhatLoveLife
  2. A part of me wants to see #Trump get the nomination just to see what would happen. Like a car wreck you can't look away from.... #DumpTrump
  3. Turkish ETA here too! Any details on this account Turkish ETA account to chat with each other? I think its a great plan
  4. HI everyone!! Fulbright Turkey did release decisions today and I got in!!! Oh my god I'm typing this in the middle of jumping up and down like a crazy person! My heart started beating like crazy when I saw the (P) next to the email. Any other Turkey ETA peeps on here??
  5. Hi everyone! I'm a longtime lurker (that sounds vaguely creepy doesn't it?) and first time commenter. I was so surprised when I got recommended for an ETA in Turkey and I am so incredibly grateful that I did. I am wondering if anyone knows the date that acceptances from Turkey usually go out? I'm biting my fingernails to the quick and randomly start pacing back and forth when I think about the Fulbright (is this a common thing? No? Just me?) Anyways, I also saw a few comments on a spreadsheet that has information on when suspected notification times are. Is there anyway someone can tell me where to find it or send it to me? Thanks guys! And congrats for getting recommended. Or even just applying - the struggle was very real when applying.
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