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Cognitive Couch

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  • Program
    Master in Clinical and Health Psychology

Cognitive Couch's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Is it hate or is it that you have a different, particular and individual taste of food, things, music, etc...?
  2. I would say there are other ways to cope with the bad news. In what way doing something negative like crying, being mad all day, eating more than you should, etc... could help you solve the problem? Rather than focusing on the problem, try to focus more on the solution. You probably have plans A, B,C even D, so use them and if not, create alternative plans and remember to use them. Hope this helps. Best wishes
  3. I would advise you to give it a try, I you really want to enter a particular University that attracts your attention but requieres a GRE examination go for it and have a plan B in case you need it. As I see it, you have nothing to loose by trying, there's a plan B just in case. By the way, have you considered options to study in Europe, there are great Universities in Europe that won't probably requiere the GRE and have very good reputation. Just something else for you to consider as option or plan C maybe? Best wishes,
  4. I'm about to finish my Master in Clinical and Health Psychology and I can tell you that you always have to strive to give the best of your work but remember, as humans, we all make mistakes so I believe it wouldn't be correct to say that you were worst as an undergrad when actually what you had was less experience. By now, three years after I graduated from University, I can say that I feel more at ease when writing my Masters thesis or when writing a report about a patient of mine but that's because of all the practice that I had as an undergrad and even as a grad student. You are prepared to write what's demanded of you in grad school, but don't believe me, believe in your self. Writing in grad school is different that writing for undergrad school only because in undergrad you are sill getting to know your self as a professional, getting familiar with key terms, words and themes, but once you hit grad school, those things will be natural and you'll probably fin it easier to write. If you have been learning from your mistakes and going the extra mile to get your paperwork the best that you can with the tools that you have and that you've been taught, believe in yourself because if not, that insecurity could be reflected on your writing skills. Hope this advice is useful and one more thing. Write about whatever you can at least once a day and keep reading good material because much of what you read is reflected in the way that you write. Remember, practice makes the professional.
  5. I would advise you that the most important thing you can do for your self is to be sure of why you what to go to that University in the first place? Is it because of the program that you really like or is it because of the University reputation? Where do you really want to go to University? That should be the answer because if you are feeling insecure and will accept any offer you should re evaluate what your expectations are about where you'll be going and why you'll be going there. In the end, what's there to consider if you aren't sure why you are having a such time deciding. First decide where you want to be and why and take it from there. Hope this helps.
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