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Everything posted by PrettyLittleProtist

  1. I got that email as well. FWIW, one of my friends was out and out rejected for the NDSEG.
  2. I second Wander and olorwen's advice. My school has a grant-writing class specifically geared toward NSF, which makes mention of all of these things. Another point I wanted to add is the use of empty space. I know it seems paradoxical to cut parts of your proposal so that you can put a line in between paragraphs or in between sections, but it really improves readability. Considering how many of these proposals each reviewer has to read, they are bound to skim over some of them. Anything you can do to make sure yours is more likely to be read will help in the long run.
  3. I got it. E/E VG/VG and VG/VG
  4. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.
  5. Me neither
  6. Okay, it's time to break out the ice-cream and oreos...
  7. I thought this season was better than last though.
  8. Nor did I. I heard rumors that it would turn out the way it did, but didn't want to believe it. I'm seriously disappointed.
  9. 1 minute past and it's still down...
  10. I would like to know this as well.
  11. I have nothing useful to contribute to the conversation. Harughguhguhaughughguh.
  12. Longtime reader, first time poster. Only signed up so I could comment on this thread. 1. Trying to concentrate on labwork (and failing.) 2. Went to an aquarium and attempted to befriend an octopus. 3. Cry with relief.
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