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Everything posted by plumbunnie

  1. Hey guys! I apologize on reviving a somewhat older post (is July old?)..Anyway I have been off the site for a bit but am so happy to have found others applying/enrolled in UCB's online program!! When I was posting earlier in the Spring, the vast majority of members were applying to on-campus programs (figures, I know)... Anyway, I'll be starting Fall 2014 too! Feel free to add me PS: Hi from Canada PPS: (for those interested) my admit letter came around March 26 (I think it was a combination of strong references and work experience during my undergraduate work terms)
  2. Hi all - I didn't have time to check updates from everyone since I was here last, but for anyone still waiting on uAlberta for MPH Global Health, I just got an email saying they've filled their 'quota' (so it was a rejection email lol); also was recommended for admin by UofT OEH on Monday but I've declined them now CONGRATULATIONS to all those who received offers this week! And Good Luck to those still waiting - there's still time for many programs PS: for those moving to/from Toronto in Fall 2014 - I'm looking to move there so msg me if you have any advice Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, just an update for UofT MPH in Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH): I attended the interview this morning; I was informed they will be completing the remainder of interviews by around Wednesday this week, and that first offers will be going out at the end of this week / next week. Simply repeating what they told me, so hopefully this info helps some of you here Good luck to all! PS: I don't know about the other UofT MPH programs but I think only OEH has interviews because their cohort size is rather small (~10-15 students/year)
  4. Accepted Berkeley MPH 2014!

    1. iPsych


      woohoo! congratulations!

    2. plumbunnie


      Thanks! I'm excited :D

  5. Update (if anyone happens on this topic in future): I've accepted Berkeley and will be deferring to the Fall 2014 start, so ... if anyone else out there is in the same boat, feel free to msg me! Good luck everyone!
  6. Very impressive and congrats on all the acceptances! Thanks for sharing. I am accepting Berkeley today so... HIGH FIVE! Good luck to all
  7. That's wonderful! I am pretty jealous. For relocation reasons I couldn't make the journey westward but if I end up in the online program, look out for me during the on-campus period! Haha ~ but question-wise, would you mind sharing your stats? (not sure if this is the thread in which to ask.. lol)
  8. Congratulations on the graduation That's fantastic! And thank you for taking the time to respond, as I really appreciate your comments. It's great to know about others' experiences with these types of programs and I am so grateful for your advice! Cheers!
  9. My status did not change online, still says Decision Pending; I applied for professional; and I guess as healthandsafetyguy posted, the interviews are for everyone and have been going on for a while lol Good luck!
  10. Hi all - if you've been stalking this site like I have, you may have seen me! I apologize if there's already a thread on this but I tried searching and could not find anything distinctive. My questions (in no particular order): - Have you applied to an online/on-campus MPH program? If so, which schools? (include specialization if desired) - Why are you considering/completing it online? (E.g. Due to relocation factors, concurrent employment, etc.) - Those who are completing an online MPH program now, how do you find it? (My answers: I applied to Berkeley (admitted) and Waterloo (pending); I'm considering online due to relocation costs and I may be starting a new job after graduation in April, so part-time online would be easiest) Thanks everyone - you've all been great support and good luck with applications!!
  11. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with it, but I had both called and emailed the DLSPH OEH program coordinators last week and they emailed back this week saying they would look into my inquiry (I was just asking if admission letters had been sent out..) Anyway, today I got an email requesting an interview which is scheduled for Monday Now, my personal dilemma is that I have to respond to another school on Monday too T_T Ughs. lol. At least this means they've been looking at apps! I'm sure more interview requests will be sent out this week.... Oh, and please don't spam them on my account/experience lol you can try contacting them if you haven't yet xD
  12. Still waiting on Alberta, Toronto and Waterloo (all applied to basically the last week before deadline.. heehee) Admitted to Berkeley's online MPH on Wednesday (also applied last week of app period) -- Has anyone here been accepted there/is going?? I'd like to bounce thoughts Thanks!
  13. I'm in the same situation x_x but April 7 is my deadline! The rep was rather abrupt with me, but I'm sure everyone's stressed out right now She didn't say everyone would only find out at the end of April--as the posters above have noted--but she simply said basically all decisions should have been made by then and not so much in May-onwards So there's still some hope for earlier responses.. they're just taking much longer to start reviewing apps...
  14. Congratulations!!!!
  15. Update on my earlier question: the Berkeley admin responded saying I could defer to Fall 2014 without any issues =] Also, I called the following schools for decision dates (reps couldn't be 100% firm, but estimated): uAlberta - many applications not yet reviewed by PH dept; decisions to be sent out at latest end of April uWaterloo - all applications reviewed by PH dept; decisions/offers waiting on downstream admin; more to be sent out by next Friday, otherwise waitlisted uToronto - application reviews have begun (but largely incomplete); decisions to be sent out at latest end of April
  16. Hi everyone! Like most of you here, I've been anxiously waiting for what seems like eternity for any speck of news... I applied to MPHs at Toronto (Occupational and Environmental Health), Alberta (Global Health), Waterloo (On-Campus/Online), and University of California Berkeley (On-Campus/Online). Yesterday, I received an official offer* for Summer 2014 start at Berkeley -- so much relief from just hearing something -- I am leaning towards it (from lack of news elsewhere...), but due to some unforeseen issues I may not be able to start the program in May... is there anyone here who might know whether I can actually defer my start date to Fall 2014?? (Berk-specific and/or any general help welcome!!) You guys and this forum have been my crutch these past months; it's somehow comforting to know others are in the same waiting boat (: *Edit: Email received March 26 (7pm EST) - Official 'letter' was attached (pdf)
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