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Everything posted by MPH Epi

  1. Thanks! Good Luck!! Stats: Final Year, my GPA:3.85, 8 month work experience in a research organization in the epidemiology department, conducted my own research study for a research seminar course (4 month qualitative research study), took an introductory stats course in my first year and now in my final year.
  2. Just joined:) Congrats!
  3. AHHH me too! I will be accepting the offer as well! Congrats future class mate!
  4. Thanks! Oh man, the wait seems like a life time!
  5. Congrats to those who have received acceptances! I am still waiting on uoft-epi:( Anyone heard anything yet? According to the dlsph website today is the date that they should have made decisions by! http://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/page/timeline-application-process
  6. Hey, I am a new user! I applied to UofT Epi, Queens MPH. Has anyone gotten accepted/rejected from UofT epi?? My application says "under review" Thanks!!!
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