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Posts posted by Hotplate

  1. Undergrad Institution: College in a Mid Ranked large University (Primarily for under-grad education)

    Major(s): Electrial Engg.

    GPA in Major: 3.8

    Length of Degree: 4 years

    Position in Class: 3/75 in class (14/≈800, yes its a very large university)

    Type of Student: International

    GRE Scores:

    Q: 800

    V: 730

    W: 5.0

    TOEFL Total: 114

    Research Experience: 2 Significant projects 1 leading to a design contest win and subsequently invitation to a conference.

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: IEEE Student chair, Student board, Scholarship in Senior year.

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 1.5yrs at a global Electrical co. however work profile (automation) doesnt match with interests (circuits). Weekend teaching and research at alma mater in my area of interest

    Note: I had applied for Master's program and had been admitted to UMICH,Univ. of Minnesota, Wisc-MAd, NCSU and ASU. But I could not attend due to extenuating circumstances (No it wasnt the downturn). I now want to go all out for a PhD but that makes getting admits more difficult i guess.

    Applying for MS/PhD in EE at:

    1. Univ. of Michigan [PhD]

    2. GaTech [PhD]

    3. Univ. of Utah, Salt lake city [PhD]

    4. ASU [PhD]

    5. RIT [PhD]

    6. Univ. of Florida [MS]

    7. Univ. of Minnesota [MS]

    8. Cornell [PhD]

    9. Case Western [PhD]

    I would be glad if you could rate my chances of getting in at thes Universities. Also, I would welcome any additions/deletions from the above list.

    Thank you

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