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Everything posted by 5430shenx

  1. hey guys, any good news? I am still waiting for the UW-Seattle and U of Florida. There were some rejections posted these days. I am wondering if we still have the hope.
  2. yes, that's always the case for USC. Did you try to contact the professor? They usually would imply something if you were being accepted. BTW, any news from washington-seattle?
  3. Monday's coming. Let's go!!!!!
  4. just got an PHD offer from university of Maryland-College Park. without funding at all. so sad.
  5. TAT/.......weekend's coming...seems we have to wait until the last week before 4/15..........
  6. saw some rejection posters, I wish that meant you and me passed the first round review. God bless we could be colleagues( )
  7. hey, waiting is really killing me. do not know why these universities reply so late. I do not think a school would not enroll any PHD student at all. That does not make sense.
  8. hey guys, anyone got a phd offer from university of washington-seattle? I saw some rejections posted.
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