Not sure how they view disabilities. Their initial reviews are all point based out of 100 total points. GPA/GRE's are lumped together and represent 25 points. I heard from a past reviewer that GPA of 3.7 and GRE's in the 80th percentile would get approximately 20/25, but that was from a different pool of applicants. The next biggest point items are scientific or research experience (20 points), research goals (15 points), and then references (10 points) and publications/presentations/patents (10 points), everything else is 5 points. If you leave a certain field empty, then you automatically receive 0 points…so helpful to put something in each field, even if minor to get 1 point. Now what I just said pertains to the initial cut-off (first-round) that are sent to the DoD agencies. I don't know how the individual DoD agencies look at and review the applications. They may just be looking for strong candidates doing research that is pertinent to their agency's current research interests.