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Everything posted by LishaGrey

  1. Received my acceptance last month and now just waiting to hear back about funding! Who else is moving from out of state? I want to work this summer to save up and probably wont have time to go visit and sign a lease, so ill have to do it via emai. Any advice/horror stories? Thanks
  2. Hi everyone! I didnt even know this type of forum existed, but my gosh its AMAZING! Congrats to all who have been accepted and good luck to all those still waiting. So far, i've been accepted into UW-Madison, Syracuse and Case Western Reserve and still waiting on UT-Arlington. Not making a final decesion until i get complete information on my fin-aid packages and other funding (which seems to be taking FOREVER -___- ). Anywho, i'd love to connect with you all and share information/insight. Is anyone else going to these schools? Also, im applying for a GA ship for Syracuse so any advice on how to craft the perfect cover letter would be appreciated Applied (5): University of Wisconsin-Madison, Syracuse, Portland State, Case Western Reserve, University of Texas-Arlington (still wainting on admissions letter) Accepted (3/5): University of Wisconsin-Madison, (3/31) Syracuse (1/15), Case Western Reserve, (2/20) Rejected (1/5):Portland State (4/11) Attending: pending
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