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Everything posted by donthatedontkill

  1. Has anyone received more information yet? Or know about when that happens? My email pretty much just told me I was accepted and that I'd hear from another group of people later about specific dates and so forth. I'm dying to tell my job what my last day will be. (It's from 11pm-7am proofreading financial documents in a windowless office. It's about as sexy and stimulating as it sounds.)
  2. Nice! I'm dying to see it turn back all back and that girl's wearing a mop for hair. Hahaha :-)
  3. Hey, everyone! I found out at today that my A changed to a P for a Colombia ETA! :-D
  4. Are alternates from other programs being promoted? I'm trying to hold onto whatever glimmer of hope I can.
  5. That's a good point. If you're up for multiple good opportunities and can only pick one.... I'm really trying to just move on as if I'm not going to get (started job hunting today to quit the soul sucking one I have now), but it's hard not to save a little space in my heart for hope. If even for just the next month or so.
  6. Hi, everyone. Long time lurker here coming out of hiding. I'm an alternate to Colombia as an ETA. Any others? I'm trying to just proceed with life as if I haven't gotten it since it seems possible that we'll never get another message about it, and I don't want to wait for something that never comes. I took it pretty roughly.... Mostly because I was in a restaurant and then had to endure an hour subway ride home and had to hold it together. I've napped it off now though and am feeling a bit better. Still not sure what might have not been stellar except maybe the interview.... I'm bad at interviews. In any case, I was hoping there's another Colombia ETA alternate so we could keep each other in the loop about hearing anything. Congratulations to everyone else! I will be living though you. EDIT: While we're on the topic, why would anyone really turn it down? I'm hoping that some people having already committed to grad school might up the chances this year for alternates like myself who had the Fulbright at their only plan for now.
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