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  • Location
    Sri Lanka
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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sjc's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Do join the face book group "Commonwealth shared scholars 2014/15". It is a closed group and you can join the discussions there.
  2. Thank you Loise.
  3. Hi Bertrand, yes it is!! I know a few more like us. So we are not alone
  4. Not really rejection but I'm getting a little worried that I may not get it because some have already heard from CSC and got their award letters as well. So just being a bit paranoid that my documents may have not been delivered properly. All the very best to you with everything
  5. I am very sorry to hear that Soheera. Did your school email you and inform this? I am still waiting for confirmation or rejection!
  6. Hi Soheera, I haven't heard from the CSC yet. However there are a few I know who already have heard via an email that their scholarship has been confirmed and that the award letter is on its way. There are few others who are in the same boat as me too So still very tensed and waiting.....
  7. Even I cant login.
  8. I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you. I can imagine what you must be feeling. I am also nervous that there may be something wrong that would result in a rejection of my application. Good luck to you all!
  9. Hi My medical report had reached the CSC office on 26th as well. My skype ID is Surendranie. I just added you. See if you have got a message. Actually there was no such deadline. The only thing it said was that Failure to return the form promptly would result in the cancellation of the award. and if a candidate has been nominated by several universities the decision not to accept the award of a particular University should be informed to the respective University as soon as possible.
  10. Muhammad, did you submit the forms and medical report?
  11. Hi all, thanks for your wishes. Hope you would hear from your Universities soon.
  12. Hi all, I received the email with the documents and reference number from my University, today. I read somewhere in the CSC website that every year a certain percentage of candidates apply and get nominated through several universities for the scholarship, but they can accept only one award. So I think when the other universities are informed of the candidates decision they can forward the applications of the reserve list candidates to the CSC.
  13. Congratulations Muhammad! I haven't received any instructions yet. My funding officer won't be in office till the 17th of June, so I wonder if I will have to wait till then to hear the decision. so the wait continues for me as well.
  14. About a week back I wrote to the international funding officer of Southampton as their had been silence for more than a month. I asked her about the medical examination. After checking with the Commission she had replied me today saying "Following my last email, Irene Costello, our Programme Officer, will be sending out some forms and instructions to you shortly which will include information about the medical examination." Irene Costello seems to be someone in the CSC. So hopefully we should be able to hear from them soon. lets just pray that we don't have to wait much longer.
  15. Hey, Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. When I was informed that I have been nominated, I asked them if there will be anymore selection from the university. The funding officer replied me saying that there will not be any more selections from the university's perspective for the scholarship but that I should fulfill the requirements set by the CSC. By following forums of some other Commonwealth shared scholarship nominees and after reading the FAQ and guide for the nominating agencies I understand that if the current stage of your application is at CSC you are a firm choice nominee for the scholarship and if the application still says nominating agency, it means that the candidate is in the reserve list.
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