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Posts posted by CardinalBiggles

  1. Thank you all for responding to my original post - your advice was very helpful. Perhaps I should explain my situation a bit more - I am 45 and thus have been in the workforce for many, many (too many) years now. And I teach high school, which would make a summer program very doable for me. That's one reason why I'm interested in lo-res programs; the other is that I applied to full-time programs last year and got no response (I'm not getting any response this year, either, as it happens). My salary isn't great, but I could afford loans if I needed to take them out. So I know I could potentially pay for these programs, but I still don't know if it's worth the cash outlay. That's what I'm debating and why I'm looking for advice. If anyone else has information you could pass along, I'd very much appreciate it!

  2. Hi Lavender Cloud!


    Yes, both Hollins and U Neb would be a bit more than $10K a year for at least 3 years. I am still waiting to hear if I am up for any scholarships & if I don't get them, I would have to take out loans, unfortunately. And I hate to sound horribly naive, but the only two things I want out of an MFA program are 1) to become a better writer and 2) to make contacts that might benefit me professionally later on. I'm sure both programs would help me with each of those goals to some degree or other, but I question whether the benefits would outweigh the costs. That's why I was hoping to ask for advice, rumors or any information whatsoever that might help me make a decision. Thanks for replying!

  3. Hi all,


    I've been accepted to the low-residency programs at Hollins and The University of Nebraska, and I'm debating whether the degree will be worth the cost. Does anyone here happen to know the reputation of these programs? Any info at all would be helpful. Thank you!

  4. Hello all! It's good to be reading this forum again.


    I was hoping I could ask you all for advice. I plan on applying to a few full-time grad programs (UT Austin, Yale, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, etc.) but I was also thinking about applying to some low-residency programs as well. Do any of you happen to know which low-res programs are considered the best? I've heard good things about Spaulding, but they have their summer residency overseas & I can't afford the expense (spring is not an option for me, unfortunately). Any advice you could give would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!

  5. Hello all,

    I've been reading this forum for awhile but this is my first post. I've been rejected from all my programs except Indiana. On April 15th, I sent an email to the Head of Indiana's Playwriting Department and politely asked where they were in their decision making. He wrote back to say they were behind but hoped to be in touch with candidates in two weeks. Two weeks later, I sent a follow up email. Haven't gotten a reply yet. No call for interviews. These can't be good signs.

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