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Posts posted by papers

  1. Funny story I emailed UGA to find out where I am on the waiting list and got a response from the School of Art Graduate Office saying I was 2nd in line as well. Then I got a second email from Stephen Scheer saying "On behalf of the Photography program, I can answer your email to say that we don't have a definitive order for our wait list applicants at this time.” So, not really sure what they’re doing over there haha.


    Maybe they just tell everyone they are 2nd in line! I applied to a different program but it probably works the same way. I guess we will see.

    Good luck to everyone

  2. Does anyone have thoughts about schools asking where you applied / interviewed? I meant to talk to my professors about how to handle that. I do not know if it is appropriate or curious or what. and today during my interview I was asked. Unprepared, I told them.. what are your thoughts ?


    In one interview they asked if I had applied at other institutions, but didn't press to find out which ones. In the application for

    the University of Georgia, I am pretty sure it asks you to list other schools you have applied to.

  3. How did you find out what spot you got on the waitlist? I was also waitlisted there so I'm wondering where I'm currently falling on that list.

    In my email, it asked for a response if you intended to stay on the waiting list. I responded and asked what position I was on the list. 

    They got back to me rather quickly. I am really hoping something happens, We shall see.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. HI!

    I know this thread is more than 4 years old now, but I first saw it when I was heading off to UC Berkeley for my BFA in 2012. Now I'm getting ready for my MFA and I desperately need an updated version of the very helpful list of fully funded visual arts MFA programs. PLEASE HELP!!! I have scoured the internet and this forum is the only, truly helpful destination.


  5. Just found out I'm second on the waitlist at UGA. Is it likely that a spot will open up? 

    This is my first time applying. It is my understanding that in order for me to get accepted, someone currently 

    accepted has to decline, then the 1st person on the wait list is offered.......and if they decline, I would get in....

    This seems very unlikely. I have little experience or knowledge in these matters. Is there a chance? 

    It seems like such a long shot. 

  6. Received an email from UGA today. I was put on the waitlist for the Sculpture program but there is no mention of my place on the list.

    UTK gave me this information when they made their decision. I have now received word from all my applications.

    It is now a matter of sorting out this waiting list situation and making my decision. Is it worth holding on and seeing if someone takes

    another offer at a different school, or should I just decide between the offers I have on the table at the moment?

  7. Check out this article of advice….  "The Grad School Letter Arrives ... Now What?"   


    Thanks for posting this article.

    It addresses many of the issues I now have to face, and clarifies some of the etiquette I was a bit fuzzy on..

    Congratulations to everyone getting accepted...and everyone actually.

    This process takes a certain commitment. To even initiate and follow through with it, is an achievement in itself.

  8. I checked my UGA application status and normally there's a link for "applicant" that said "decision pending" and now it's not ther anymore ! What does that meaaaaan


    Mine still says 'decision pending', although we may be applying in different departments, on different schedules.

    Judging by what I could find from last years results, Sculpture should know by the end of February. Best of Luck!

     Any good feeback about the scene in Knoxville? 

    Knoxville is a weird place. It is fairly small but spread out. The downtown is really just one street (Gay St.), and the 'Old City' (really just an intersection). The college strip (Cumberland)  is pretty bad, unless you love sports bars. The cost of living is incredibly low. 

    The mountains are beautiful and probably the best thing about being there.

  9. I am also very interested in this program. I hesitate to post, because can't tell you much. I have seen on the thread, MFA programs in the US with excellent funding,

    that SUNY buffalo is said to have "good to full funding". The information was supposedly compiled in 2012, and should still be accurate. You have likely already researched it, but their website is quite helpful as well.



  10. Greetings/


    I am also gearing up for the application process (sculpture). I am afraid I don't have any amazing advice for you. As far as "undergradish" work, my opinion would be just to present your strongest work. I think you know what pieces are your most effective. My plan is just to show the work I feel best about. If there are pieces that are not as realized but the concept is important for future exploration, I may consider including it. If I get a chance to speak about the work, I will convey this information. As far as consistency versus experimental...We are students, I think experimentation is invaluable and expected. An artist whose work shows a rigid adherence to some sort of style may not appear as attractive as a candidate. It may appear as if you are timid, already set in your ways, or reluctant to growth and evolution. Of course, the opposite may be true as well. A portfolio with no cohesiveness may present your work as being rudderless or lacking direction.This is all just my opinion. These are sort of wishy-washy responses to your queries. I am not sure there are definitive answers. In any case, its still very early in the process. I am still trying to figure out what schools to apply to. I have a few definite choices, but I am doing a lot of research on different programs across the country. I wish you luck. This is my first post, so I should also say hello to everyone, and express what a resource I have found this site to be, thus far.

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