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Posts posted by oopsies666

  1. Hello everyone, 


    As the title notes, I'm currently in a terminal MA I/O psychology program. Pursuing a doctorate is not within my realm of interests, so around spring semester I will be hunting for jobs. Fortunately, my program requires that I complete at least a 200 hour internship, and I can also squeeze in as many other internships as I can before I graduate. So, it is great that I will have a decent amount of applied experience by the time I complete my degree.


    However, my plan is to move to the L.A. area after I graduate to live with my boyfriend. Yay for long distance ending soon :). However I lack connections in the area and I am nervous about finding a job. I occasionally check L.A. Times or Indeed.com and look for what would be a good match for new graduates. Finding a good fit is harder than you would think.


    Thus, my question is has anyone been through a similar situation and do you have any advice? Others have told me to utilize linkedin as much as I can. But any other tips or advice that may be helpful please let me know. I have also tried to attend networking events in LA but...they haven't been quite what I was aiming for. 


    Much appreciated!

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