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Posts posted by feefeefee

  1. My final recommender has yet to submit their rec and I'm a bit frazzled about it. I asked her months ago. She was sent a reminder 2 weeks ago and I re-sent a reminder yesterday! She was happy to agree to do this so I'm hoping she comes in last minute, but if she's a couple days late is there any chance that won't be a big deal?

  2. So I'm finishing up my apps (ahhhhh) and I've realized that not every school requires everything I thought it would (i.e. one school never asks for a CV or another doesn't ask for a writing sample). However, I just realized that Uottawa doesn't ask for a writing sample, CV, or SOP. Is this possible? I want them to see everything I have to offer and they won't if they don't ask for this!

  3. Where's everyone at in the process? I'm currently at the 'everything easy is done and now it's time to edit and perfect' portion. I have a basic SOP that is not yet edited or tailored to each school, I have a writing sample that I would like to further edit, I've asked all of my recommenders who have accepted, I have each application filled out but certainly need to check over everything, and I've sent all my GRE scores and transcripts but want to contact each school to make sure they're all in the appropriate locations with the appropriate name (I've legally changed my name and some transcripts don't reflect this).


    And I'm giving myself the deadline of next week to finish. 

  4. So I know this may be a dumb question and I've been erring on the side of caution so far but... if deadlines for apps are december 1st and professors won't be e-mailed for their recommendations until after submitted, are recommendations due after or are they also due december 1st?



  5. So I just got my official scores on my GRE the second time around and I did better on everything....except writing. I'm pretty happy with my other scores (158 verbal, 154 quant) but got a 3.5 on writing :( I got a 4 the first time!


    I already sent the scores to my top 4 schools since they give you the option to send them for free right after the test. I know writing is not the biggest deal but it's really not a great score. 

    Should I send my original scores too? What do I do?

  6. Hi gradcafe! I am so excited that this process is finally happening! I just graduated in May and I'm feeling pretty good about this whole process. I already have an unedited CV, a list of 15+ POIs that I will narrow down once I find out who is accepting,  and slightly above the accepted mean GREs (although I will be retaking). 


    To do:


    ask for all LORs

    continue research in a new lab this year

    get on my knees and pray that the manuscript I have gets published in time

    take the psych gre (I haven't signed up for this yet. Every school I've looked at recommends it. Is it worth it?)


    One problem I'm having is trying to calm myself down from the two schools that I desperately want to be at. I would gladly work with all of the other POIs that I have identified but the two that I am dying for really hit the nail on the head in terms of research fit. Not to mention, they're in very cool towns (which would be such a plus, obviously not a decision-maker)


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