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Posts posted by PizzaFox

  1. Actually, I had a brainwave earlier and realized I could probably change the testing location. Turns out there's a testing center in Ithaca, about 25 miles from where the wedding will be taking place. So other than having to spend $50 on a change fee, I'll be able to do both the GRE Subject Test AND go to the wedding.


    Holy cow, that's going to be quite the weekend! Good for you, dude! Stay hydrated. XD

  2. Welcome! About your two interests, how about combining them? Most DH faculty in my program (UMD, which has a huge emphasis on all things digital thanks to MITH) have a literary area of speciality as well. For example, Martha Nell Smith, founding director of MITH, works on digital humanities and poetry, leading to really interesting digital projects on Emily Dickinson. I'm sure lots of digital work is being done on early modern texts! 


    That's actually a great idea, and is definitely one that I'm considering! And thanks for the heads up about Martha Nell Smith, I'll absolutely cheek her out. :)  The only problem with combining is that I am more interested in studying digital texts (games, interactive media, etc.) as literature than using digital methodologies, data analysis, etc. to analyze printed text. I'm still formulating WHAT I want to do, to be honest, but I'd much rather be in an English program than a media studies program for my PhD, although I am applying to media studies MA programs. I'm still in that impostor phase where everything I say about what I want to do sounds insane/dumb/ignorant, but I'm hoping that interacting with people on these forums will help me narrow my focus into something I can, at the very least, confidently put into words! :)

  3. Adding my name to the list! Super anxious, so anxious that I feel like hitting enter on this post is going to jinx everything somehow! I'm making it all real, aaaaah! I'm going to be applying to a combination of media studies and English programs, both PhD and MA, as my focus is going to be on digital humanities/games studies, digital texts, etc. I'm also considering early modern, however, so I guess I'll be applying to some programs as one emphasis and some as the other, seeing who bites? Is anyone else making two packets? If not, how do you narrow your field down when you have two strong interests/backgrounds?

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