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Everything posted by Nesbit

  1. I can finally claim one of the Courtauld acceptances! So excited. I mentioned earlier I only applied to one program, and I am so relieve putting all my eggs in one basket worked out. I was sorry to see all those Columbia rejections. I hope the rest of this final week of Feb is filled with Art History Acceptances on that results page
  2. Gothic Encounters - All three of my options included an architecture element. My fingers are crossed for us all still waiting!
  3. I'm another one anxiously watching the Courtauld admits appear. I wish i knew what options the admits were for!
  4. I do find it interesting that this board is less active than in years past. I hadn't even thought about people being warned off Gradcafe! I have to say, the resources hidden in this Art History board are terribly helpful. I have read through quite a few of the old application & waiting game threads, and find it weirdly comforting knowing that all those worried students are by and large all now in their MA/PhD programs. It's nice to think of the light at the end of the tunnel. I was sorry to see all the Northwestern and USC rejections on the results page today. My fingers are crossed for everyone that more acceptances pop up this week!
  5. MIT has an excellent Architecture History, Theory & Criticism PhD - so that could be why back in 2011 it was up there. I don't think an international equivalent exists, but you might find this useful for UK History of Art Programs: http://interactive.guim.co.uk/embed/2014/may/university-guide/?view=subject&subject=S345 There's also always the more general Times Higher Education rankings and others with a similar focus on the Universities as a whole and their research output, student experience etc.
  6. I think the waiting period brings out all our neuroticisms! Checking email, checking gradcafe, second guessing SoPs/interviews etc. My fingers are crossed for you Queen HM re the waitlist at UNC.
  7. I live in Australia - so I know the email will come over night. This means I wake up every morning and frantically check my emails. Not the most relaxing way to start the day!
  8. Hello all. I've been a lurker for a few years, and have eased myself into Grad apps this year by just applying to one MA program. This was either a good idea or a terrible one. We shall see! My fingers are crossed for everyone and I love seeing the acceptances come trickling in. Congrats to all who have received offers thus far!
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