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  • Gender
  • Location
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Speech-Language Pathology

rlywrmn's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi everyone! So I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I committed to one program but then another program offered me a Graduate Assistantship (totally unexpected but also totally awesome). Needless to say the assistantship comes along with a hefty scholarship and stipend. Only issue is that there is a pre-req that I don't have and need before the fall. The class I need was kind of lumped into my Phonetics course in undergrad and didn't satisfy the degree of assessment and intervention that they wanted it to. If i can't find the class I need to rescind from that program and go with the one I initially accepted. But it'd be really freaking great if I could find a class. SO I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE. Does anyone know of anywhere that I can take a summer online course (this summer!) on Articulation and Phonological Disorders? I need all the help I can get. I am in the process of trying to work it out with Longwood, however their classes start in four days so I'm cutting it really close on whether or not that one will work out. All help is welcome. Thanks!!
  2. Just got an acceptance email from PSU!
  3. To all the other NAU acceptances, I also found out I got in yesterday! Very exciting. That makes two schools for me now, waiting to hear back from three more. Hoping my decision making goes smoothly! Part of me wanted to only get into one school so I wouldn't have to pick - hahaha. But, cannot complain obviously!
  4. When are you visiting?!? That's very exciting. I love love love the city of Madison. But yes, definitely dress warm. If you are going to eat by campus go up State St. to Capitol Square (which is literally just the square of road surrounding the the Capitol Building). There are excellent restaurants there. Madison rocks, but the biggest selling points are things that go on during the summer. There's always something going on. Make sure you bring good walking shoes too! The campus is long and narrow, so there's a lot of walking to be done to cover all of campus!
  5. I applied to Milwaukee and Stevens Point! Haven't heard anything back from Steven's point. I know people have heard back from Madison. Glad you've found a date for Milwaukee sending out their admissions decisions. Thanks for that!
  6. Admin person - not lying. Got an email from Marquette University saying to make sure that all materials are submitted early because it typically takes 3-4 business days to process everything. However, after lisa19's post I figured that the email was referring to mailed in materials and not materials that are submitted online. And thanks everyone for the words of wisdom! I appreciate it and to everyone that said they're in the same boat as me - I'm sure we'll all be fine!!
  7. Thanks everyone! Looks like I'll be sending reminders shortly! Bindlestiff, as for your question I believe that I simply do not have the stats to get into Wisconsin's SLP program. As for how my undergrad went, I loved it. Professors are all amazing (some more than others). My biggest critique on big schools is and always will be huge class sizes. However, that won't be a problem in graduate school. I definitely would have applied if I believed I could get in. Part of me also wants to move on from that chapter of my life to a new university. Haha - hope that answers your question.
  8. Hi Everyone! As a lot of you, I'm getting a little anxious about all of my materials being received on time by graduate programs. All of my materials are in except for 3/4 letters of recommendation. While one of them isn't due until February 1st, the other two are due in about a week (Jan. 15). I sent a reminder email on December 28th ish. Do you think it's overkill to send another email today and say that the programs suggest the letters be submitted 4 business days early? I kind of see it as since it's such an important thing, I don't feel bad pestering with reminders, but I wanted some other advice. Thanks everyone, and happy applying!
  9. Is it the same for transcripts?
  10. Might be a stupid question but do I just send one GRE report to CSDCAS? I ask because schools have different codes even if they all use CSDCAS...
  11. So what's better, having a TA write a letter of recommendation and have the professor from the course write a little blurb at the end and sign it or have my boss from my ABA therapy job write me a letter?
  12. When I was a freshman I dropped below full time. From what I remember I was required to stay full time the next semester and achieve at least a 2.0 to maintain enrollment/not get suspended or something. The problem is that I don't remember the details and now applications are asking if academic disciplinary action has ever been taken against me and I don't know if what happened constitutes as disciplinary action... Any advice on what you think or who I could contact to find out the details? Thanks all!
  13. Hi Everyone! Need some help with the previous schools attended section. I received some credits while in high school and although I am aware that I need to send those transcripts in, I'm having trouble figuring out what I should put in for "dates attended" since I didn't actually attend. Should I put the start and end of that high school semester? Or should that info be on the transcript somewhere? Thanks!
  14. Hi fellow Fall 2015 applicants! Anyone have any idea if the order you submit things in matters? I have a running checklist going of things I need for each program I'm applying to and figured it'd be easiest to send GRE scores and transcripts right away but was wondering if I should do that AFTER I actually submit the application? Thanks!
  15. We do the same type of thing at my university, observing graduate students who are supervised by a licensed professor. I have many friends who have moved onto SLP graduate programs with those type of observation hours and they have had no trouble with it! I think a lot of universities do that. I know we offer a handful of different settings and that is definitely one of them that counts. Hope this helps, and good luck with everything!
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