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Everything posted by jammiedodger6873

  1. I just started a TA position this year and I'm trying to figure out the best way to create an email signature. I'm a graduate assistant with teaching duties. Would it be best to put something like: Jane Doe Teaching Assistant Dept, Office Email or Jane Doe Graduate Teaching Assistant Dept, Office Email Any thoughts? How do you usually go about doing these things?
  2. Thank you so much guys! And best of luck to you with your TA job ^
  3. Update: they offered me the job and it came with a tuition waiver and stipend
  4. After a LONG LONG wait I've just heard that my department wants to offer me a TAship for the fall. Only downside is that my school doesn't offer tuition waivers for TAs, only GAs and apparently there is a distinction between the two. I'm in this situation where I'm pushing 70k in debt because of some personal stuff that happened in undergrad so I really can't afford to take out more loans to finish off my second year. Is it worth taking the TAship without the stipend or no? I know the experience would be good but I was really hoping to get something that would pay for school.
  5. i am a first year master's student in linguistics who came straight from undergrad, and i'm already incredibly unhappy. i know that the first year is supposed to be the hardest and the most difficult to adjust to, but the problem i am slowly realizing that the school is a poor fit for my research interests. when i applied i was aware of this, but i had another school i had been accepted to. i got into both, but the one school that might've fit my interests better offered me absolutely no financial aid, and i couldn't pay out of pocket, nor did i have family to help me. the other school i applied to accepted me and offered loans. i was very skeptical but when i met with a faculty member at the school, he told me that a new sociolinguistics professor would be entering in the fall, and he would probably be the best person to work with, so i enrolled. after a few months i've realized that he's actually interested in meaning in sociolinguistics, whereas i'm interested in dialectology and language and gender. the department only offers three courses in socio, no research methods class, no class on language variation whatsoever. my advisor has ignored my repeated attempts just to get to know them and foster some sort of a relationship, hasn't helped me with picking my courses for next semester, anything. on top of that, haven't been able to find a job on campus because the departments here only hire undergraduates with work study, i have no car to search for something off campus and there are no assistantships available until next year, so i've been jobless for months and my bank account is whittling away. i'm wondering if i should look into transferring to another program, one that might be better suited to my interests and provide me with opportunities for employment. right now i'm essentially sitting on $20k of loans that's going to waste. and yes, you could say that leaving would be a waste of money, but i feel like i'm wasting my money now just sitting around, doing nothing, with no research opportunities available to me, and no job. sorry for all of the venting. but does anyone have any advice as to what to do in this situation? And if i try to apply somewhere else, would it be possible to get LOR from my undergrad profs??? thanks in advance.
  6. I'm a first year Masters student in Linguistics and after doing some careful thinking, I've decided that I want to transfer out of my program and into another school that meets my needs. Since I'm currently an MA student, would it best for me to try to look at some other MA programs? Or is it possible to transfer into a PhD program?
  7. one of the professors i'm interested in working with sent me an email this morning informing me that I'd been accepted into their linguistics program and all of the official paperwork from the department and graduate college would follow. how do i respond to her email? i'm waiting on a funding offer from another school and i haven't heard anything from this school yet, so i'm far from making a decision. basically i want to thank her for admitting me into the program without sounding like i'm making my decision in the email. any thoughts?
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