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Posts posted by RainyDay

  1. I agree with Mikers86. I'm not on the Comp/rhet track, but I understand that there aren't a lot of programs in that field just yet, while there are a lot of applicants. Reports over the past few years have shown that going the comp/rhet route leads to a higher level of employment, but the problem is that it has caused a lot more prospective grad students to look in that direction as a result, making it a lot more competitive. Thus, most programs will have a lot of applicants.


    From your post, I'm guessing you have (or are getting) your BA, rather than an MA. This is 100% my opinion, but it might be to your advantage to think of MA programs as "safety" possibilities, since there is generally (not always, but often) a higher acceptance rate for those. It also provides you with another year to learn, gain experience, and strengthen your general academic chops for a reapplication next year if you happen to be shut out of Ph.D. programs.


    I'm more drawn into PhD programs partially for funding purposes. I know I want to go into academia, so it's also a commitment I'd be willing to make, however I'm also looking into funded MA programs (also, I know, more competitive).



    I agree with mikers and Wyatt'sTorch that no PhD program should be considered a safety school, but if we know your interests and goals, we can suggest programs where you'll be a more competitive candidate. What are your research interests? Are you applying to MA and/or PhD programs? What is your career goal (university professor, community college instructor, high school teacher, editor, etc)? 



    I, too, agree that the idea of safety schools can be unhelpful at the grad level. Here's a former thread that discussed the idea at length last season: 


    One thing I did want to mention, too, is that it sounds like you are in a great place to be a competitive applicant. Of course it's just my opinion, but having conference participation and taking the steps to do independent study in rhet/comp at the undergrad level are great points that will be invaluable as you are drafting up your SOP.


    Have you come across any scholars that are particularly of interest to your studies? Any topics that peak your interest? As proflorax mentions, knowing a bit more about your interests is tremendously helpful in offering suggestions for programs that may be more/less competitive in their applications.


    I've worked for two semesters as a tutor in our University Writing Center, so pedagogy is certainly one of my interests. I'm a women's studies minor so feminist rhetoric is a potential research interest. I'm mostly vested in examining the rhetoric of nonconventional texts or media, like with an independent study I completed that examined rhetoric and representation in a few Marvel Superhero films. This is what drew me also into cultural studies as potentially a subfield. Anything you guys have to help would be great! One of my bigger worries is that because I go to a very small public school that I won't be as competitive of an applicant in relation to those who went to larger programs.

  2. Hi guys!


    First time poster, long time lurker. I'm looking to apply for the Fall 2015 season and I'm wondering what are some good safety schools for rhet/comp?  I'm applying to UConn, SUNY Albany, URI, University of Waterloo and potentially a few others. I'm looking for one that would definitely be considered a safety school.


    A little bit about me, I come from a small public liberal arts school. My cumulative GPA is a bit lower than I'd like, 3.65, however my major GPA is closer to a 3.8. I've presented at two conferences so far and by the end of my senior year will have completed an honors thesis to satisfy the requirements for the university honors program. I've also completed multiple independent studies and teaching assistantships involving rhetoric and composition with a dash of cultural studies.


    Anything you guys can say to help is much appreciated!



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