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Posts posted by Vamshimuga304

  1. I am a little biased to the second option as of now not only because of the funding.. but because I heard that Netherlands is a much better place to work(in terms of less stress and a better work life balance) than US .. but again the opportunities especially for foreigners is low in europe.. what would you say regarding the general working life in the US?


    The other thing i am a little worried about is the reputation. UCSD is definitely much far known through out the globe than TU Delft.

  2. Hello Everyone,
    I have the following two options for my masters admits:

    #1 : UC San Diego (Masters in Signal and Image Processing) -- No funding or RA/TA as of now

    #2 : EIT ICT Labs masters school(Masters in Medical Imaging) (First year at KTH Royal Sweden and 2nd year at TU Delft Netherlands) -- Totally funded (Tuition fee waiver plus sufficient monthly allowance for the masters period )

    Although #1 is a top reputed Univ and course, I am finding it hard to choose it as #2 is totally funded and I would not have to depend on a loan.
    Would it be wise to choose #2 over UC San Diego?

    If i chose #1, how long can it generally take to clear the first year loan considering that i would get a TA in the second year which would be sufficient to cover the 2nd year expenses.
    Any inputs would be appreciated .. thanks 

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