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Everything posted by Jennbe

  1. Slightly random question-does anyone know whether you qualify for EI if you take an unpaid education leave (3 months) from full time work to do a placement for MSW? Thanks in advance! (Yes I've contacted service canada and am getting the complete "run around"-nobody can seem to find the answer)
  2. I got into Waterloo MSW today! Yay!! Get to choose from Windsor or Waterloo So happy!
  3. I just got accepted into Windsor for working professionals for Sept 2015!! Conditional of completion of my BSW next month So excited!!!
  4. Has anyone NOT found out from Waterloo yet that's applied?
  5. sondraelizabeth-my coworker did the program..she just graduated in the last class. She is a single mother to two school aged children and also worked full time in child welfare. She said it really helps if you know people in the program if you are driving any distance for car-pooling or bouncing ideas off of etc, but she did say she was exhausted and it was a lot of work...I mean that's to be expected I think with taking a full time masters and working full time with children...I imagine it's gona be very hard and take a lot of organization and time management ...however it is doable ! I also think a benefit to this would be if you can do the placement at the agency you work for...so you aren't doin a placement on top of work..as well I think it's better that placement is done at the end of the degree as opposed to in the middle of it with all the courses running at same time.
  6. sondrelizabeth-do you mind if I ask when you handed in your application to u of Windsor (for working professionals)? I"m waiting on my response from that program as well Congrats!
  7. Everyone who applied at Waterloo!!! Just got word from an email I had sent to the program coordinator-ALL ACCEPTANCES/REJECTIONS/WAITLISTS are posted to quest now so check your accounts. (I just checked mine and still can't find it..it still says no decision made yet by academic dept). Can someone help me out with where to find this??
  8. Does anyone have any insight into whether groups of rejections are sent out after waitlists and acceptances? Or is there no real order to things...
  9. Thanks Crisseh5! I checked quest around 4 and nothing Anyone else get news from waterloo or still waiting for a response?
  10. Chrisseh5-when were you waitlisted for waterloo? I've been waiting to hear from them myself, but I figured waitlisting would be done when all offers were already made...ugh now I am assuming I will be getting a rejection letter! Good luck!
  11. So I decided to email U of Windsor to see where my application stood. I got an email back saying they usually take 4-6 weeks from the time your application is complete to send out an offer/rejection (it's MSW for working professionals and rolling admissions) and that my application is on step 2 out of 3 right now. Well at least I know my acceptance/rejection will likely be end of march or even april at this point so I can stop checking so much! Ahhh who am I kidding...I'll still be checking every day...lol
  12. Ugh my mind won't turn off....get me off this crazy train! Everyone who has got at least one acceptance is so lucky I would love that relief And the waiting continues...
  13. I applied to the Windsor for working professionals program so the final due date for applications isn't till May so they do rolling admissions..so my application wasn't even in yet when first round of acceptances went out...not sure if the acceptances were for the "msw for working professionals" program or a different one? On my windsor account it doesn't even show that all of my documents have been verified yet even though they emailed me and told me they received them all...so I feel like the wait for that one will be quite some time Really hope I didnt get that application in too late as being rolling admissions it's kinda first come first serve in a way. Hoping to hear back from Waterloo tho-thanks for letting me know it should be by end of next week at least that gives a timeline! My only issue with Waterloo is having to balance the practicum with full time work...I don't work in a health based agency at all I'm in child welfare so I would need to do a practicum somewhere else on top of that and not sure how that will work...
  14. Yes I've applied to Waterloo (and Windsor). Have not heard anything back from either yet Hoping soon! Fingers crossed ! So I guess we will likely know about Waterloo in the next two weeks! Were they sending them out this week too or maybe all at once next week...hmmm...good luck!
  15. Oh ok! Thanks guys! Just thought maybe they would maybe consider other's before considering me if I hadn't finished yet...only have one last class to finish up so it's not much Will continue to cross my fingers and hope for a conditional acceptance!
  16. Ugh...my windsor application documents for msw for working professionals isn't even showing as received yet! (Although they emailed me to tell me they got everything). This wait is going to be foreverrrrrrr! I applied at Waterloo too...I wonder if mine will be rejected/accepted later because I'm not due to have my BSW till April officially...
  17. Hey all! For the PPl accepted to the Windsor program, how long did it take for the acceptance to come in after your application was complete? Mine was just completed last week due to a lagging reference...wondering how fast they are at decisions..thanks!
  18. Fiestyfem- how were you notified about the Windsor program? Did they email you? Congrats!!
  19. Hey! From what I've read on their application process, once all your documents have "completed" with the little green check mark beside them-then there's nothing further to do..no "submit" button or anything as far as I have found! I was a lil worried about this but I did find some information stating once it was all uploaded that you are done the process...good luck!!
  20. Just noticing all the talk about SSW diploma..I did the two yr program thy Conestoga straight out of high school and loved it! It gave a really good base for social work and my continued schooling and really taught me a lot about myself as an individual as well as the path I wanted to take in social work. I would recommend it for sure as I found it very beneficial!
  21. I can't answer most of your questions, but just wanted to advise that I'm in BSW online thru university of manitoba and they have been fantastic both in profs and support during my time with them I have had nothing but good experiences with the school in my experience. Good luck!
  22. Hey! I know normally you are to have a BSW to be in child welfare but there are still some places that asked for a BA with related experience and at the time, the agency allowed the after hours emergency workers to be hired with a BA and I had experience workin in a shelter with abused women and children. I was hired the month before I actually graduated with BA and now have been grandfathered in now that they require BSW- ( I always planned on Gettin the BSW tho so will be super happy to get that in a few months!)so I actually got kinda lucky that they had a spot in that position and I had some experience at the shelter. A lot of ppl that work in child welfare that I know started at a shelter to gain the experience first so that's always an option I like the job but I just don't see it happening long term and I'm not getting any younger (I'm 30) so starting at tht bottom somewhere else will be hard but I'd rather be in the health sector
  23. I have completed my application and since I've been in child welfare almost 8 years, I am hoping the mental health and addictions aspect of the work I do will contribute somewhat as health experience..as well I spoke about my main social issue being mental health of aboriginals which I'm passionate about...I just dont have any hospital/health care experience or projects whatsoever...but I mean..mental health is a huge part of social workers positions in the health industry so maybe they will consider that as experience? sigh...I'm not Gona lie I'm a little bit worried...if I don't get in I will have to seriously contemplate leaving my job and trying to get another one in health care and reapply next year I guess (the issue being with my current job hours I could do the Msw program in a much more manageable way). Thank you for your input! Fingers crossed!
  24. Anyone know someone who got into MSW at waterloo with no social work experience in the healthcare industry!?(as its a health focused program) Give me some hope ppl!
  25. Thanks! I actually only applied to waterloo Msw! I debated on Dalhousie too but decided the health based program of waterloo would best suit me. I have 3 kids under 4yrs and work full time so I need the distance Ed program! I'm just finishing my BSW and so far have a 3.8 GPA thru distance Ed at manitoba and will have my last placement done by dec, but one lil course has to go till April lol so technically I'm not done till that one is finished! I'm worried that I had to apply without technically havin my BSW yet but I'll have it before the program starts for sure and have 8 yrs full time work as a child protection worker (which I fear also may hurt me as it's not health based which is where I want to end up). So I'm hoping waterloo is fast enough with replies so I can plan my life accordingly! If I don't get in im thinking of taking some certificate courses thru U of T. It's so hard to not think about all the negatives of ur application isn't it? Maybe it's a good thing the thread is quiet maybe nobody is applying this yr and we will all get in to our schools of choice! wishful thinking...
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